        Total Records 45 Total Mileage   2698  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
17/02/1969   1218 Glasgow Central Manchester Vic. Preston Manchester Vic. 31 As 7676 o (C Foss)/RPS
09/08/1969 1M65 1000 Sheffield Llandudno Town Sheffield Llandudno Town 129 As 7676 o (John Powell)
09/08/1969 1E15 1428 Llandudno Town Sheffield Llandudno Town Sheffield 129 As 7676 DIAG
29/08/1970 1E34 0920 Manchester Picc. Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central 91 As 7676: D/H 5200 (25050) o (Peter Hall)
29/08/1970 1M74 0928 Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central Manchester Picc. 91 As 7676: D/H 5200 (25050) DIAG
04/08/1973 2B99 0951 Exeter St. Davids Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids Barnstaple 39 As 7676 Peter Tonks/Peter Hall
04/08/1973 2B99 1220 Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids 39 As 7676 Peter Tonks/Peter Hall
04/08/1973 2B99 1555 Exeter St. Davids Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids Barnstaple 39 As 7676 Peter Tonks/Peter Hall
25/08/1973 1V53 2355 Liverpool Penzance Newton Abbot Penzance 111 As 7676: D/H 7624 (25274) Roger Geach/Scott Currie
                Returned 1255 Penzance - Bristol van train  
01/09/1973 1C04 1245 Penzance Cardiff Penzance Plymouth ? 79 As 7676: D/H 7625 (25275) BR Diesels Doubleheaded (p)
01/09/1973 1V53 2355 Liverpool Penzance Newton Abbot Penzance 111 As 7676: D/H 7625 (25275) DIAG
06/10/1973 1Z25 ? Barnsley Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids Barnstaple 78 As 7676: D/H 7677 (25327): ADEX out and back: Replaced and replaced by 1624 (47566) Six Bells Junction
08/06/1974 2B99 1220 Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids 39   Peter Tonks/Peter Hall
06/07/1974 2B99 0832 Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids 39   Peter Tonks/Peter Hall
06/07/1974 2B99 0951 Exeter St. Davids Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids Barnstaple 39   Peter Tonks/Peter Hall
06/07/1974 2B99 1220 Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids Barnstaple Exeter St. Davids 39   Peter Tonks/Peter Hall
24/07/1974   2015 Exeter St. Davids Newton Abbot Exeter St. Davids Newton Abbot 20   o (Peter Lovell)
27/02/1978   ? St. Pancras Sheffield Leicester Derby 29 45xxx failed and replaced: Replaced by 45008 RM7805
01/07/1978 1E81 ? Stoke-on-Trent ? Skegness Stoke-on-Trent ? Skegness 127 D/H 25191 Peter Hall
                Returned as ECS  
22/07/1978 2J57 0415 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25313 Aber Trains 78
22/07/1978 1A46 1007 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wellington 91 D/H 25313: Locos failed and dragged to Wolverhampton by 47xxx Aber Trains 78
19/08/1978   0843 Scarborough Sheffield Scarborough Sheffield 88   KDH archive (p)
04/07/1979   ? Nottingham Lowestoft Nottingham ?   D/H 25307 Derby Sulzers
                RM7910 says 25037/326 from Northampton and 5th July!  
19/03/1980 1D08 1108 St. Pancras Nottingham ? Nottingham   45143 failed and dragged o (Kevin Watson)
13/09/1981 1A01 0025 Manchester Picc. Euston Bletchley Willesden 41 D/H 25278: Dragging 8xxxx - power off for engineering work Alan Baylis
30/10/1981 1P05 0822 Barrow Blackpool North Barrow Blackpool North 73   MRP 8202
11/12/1981 1V09 1617 Newcastle Cardiff ? Chesterfield   45038 failed and pushed by 25326 whilst still attached to its Speedlink freight train: 47374 forward from Chesterfield Chesterfield Observer
21/05/1982 1M66 0903 Cambridge Birmingham New St. Oakham Birmingham New St. 66 31133 failed o
21/05/1982 1E80 1617 Birmingham New St. Norwich Birmingham New St. March 106   o (Colin Williams)
07/08/1982 1J24 1010 Euston Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25321 o (Steve Kemp)
07/08/1982 2J57 1605 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25321 ph
08/08/1982 1J65 0845 Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25321: Replaced 47177 o (Martin Tasker)/RPS
08/08/1982 2J75 1640 Aberystwyth Machynlleth Aberystwyth Machynlleth 21 D/H 25321  
08/08/1982 2J75 1725 Machynlleth Aberystwyth Machynlleth Aberystwyth 21 D/H 25321  
08/08/1982 1A51 1815 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25321 o (Martin Tasker)/RPS
14/08/1982 1F07 0810 St. Pancras Leicester Bedford Leicester 49 45102 worked the return o
16/08/1982 1E62 0804 Birmingham New St. Norwich Leicester March 67 Replaced 25086  
08/01/1983   ? Euston Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18    
18/03/1983 1A19 0800 Liverpool Euston Liverpool Crewe 36 Power off because of overhead line damage  
19/05/1983 1E94 0805 Liverpool Newcastle Manchester Vic. Leeds 43 Loco replaced by 45060 Alan Baylis
22/06/1983   0600 Crewe Cardiff Shrewsbury Cardiff 106 DMU failure rm
29/12/1983   1005 Penzance York Northfield Birmingham New St. 6 45063 failed and dragged: RELIEF train T2 mag
05/02/1984   2305 Euston Nuneaton Northampton Nuneaton 34 D/H 25265: RELIEF train Class 25 Action 84
12/08/1984   2001 Colne Preston Burnley Central Preston 24 DMU failure Robert Forsythe (p)
                Caption says DMU rescued at Burnley Central. Photograph
25/08/1984 1K83 0250 Manchester Picc. Crewe Manchester Picc. Crewe 31 RELIEF train Class 25 Action 84
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