25322 (25912)      
        Total Records 55 Total Mileage   3589  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
26/08/1967   ? ? ? Preston ?   As 7672 o (Alan Barber)
                Observered on Up passenger train at Preston around 1400  
08/07/1972 1E79 ? ? Yarmouth ? ? Yarmouth ?   As 7672: D/H 7616 (25266) o (Gerald Brown)
                Viewed at Thetford  
09/07/1972   0855 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 As 7672: D/H 7616 (25266) o
09/07/1972   ? Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 As 7672: D/H 7616 (25266) DIAG
16/07/1976 1E24 2250 Shrewsbury York Shrewsbury York 33   Peter Bowyer/Peter Hall
17/07/1976 1M41 2150 York Shrewsbury Crewe Shrewsbury 33 Train departure date 16/7/76 DIAG
02/09/1978   0918 Holyhead Crewe Holyhead Crewe 105   Peter Hall
13/11/1978   ? Oxenholme Windermere Oxenholme Windermere 20 DMU failure Derby Sulzers
                Probably worked several trains  
17/08/1979   0919 Morecambe Leeds Morecambe Leeds 70 DMU failure Kevin Cooke/Flickr (p)
                Photographed at Keighley 1055hrs Photograph
02/05/1981 1M10 0610 Paddington Manchester Picc. ? Birmingham New St.     Alan Baylis
31/05/1981   ? Glasgow Central ? Plymouth ? Wigan N.W. Crewe 36 85xxx failed and dragged o (Ed Hawthorne)
                Train worked from at least Preston to Bristol - working occured around 1400hrs  
20/06/1981 1D15 1716 St. Pancras Nottingham South of Leicester Nottingham   45127 failed and removed Mike Kerry/Scott Currie
24/08/1981 1S50 0840 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   Alan Baylis
24/08/1981 1M03 1240 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   o
13/11/1981   1800 Aberystwyth Machynlleth Aberystwyth Machynlleth 21 DMU failure Steven Clements (p)
11/08/1982 1D52 1510 St. Pancras Nottingham ? Nottingham   45131 failed and dragged  
29/08/1982 1A00 2045 Barrow Euston Watford Junction Willesden 11 D/H 25298: Power off for engineering work  
                Date needs to be confirmed. Unlikely to be this because other dragging this night was from Bletchley  
29/08/1982 1O52 2305 Manchester Picc. Brighton Bletchley Watford Junction 29 D/H 25317: Dragging 86261 - power off for engineering works o (Brian Godwin/Dave Barraclough)
04/09/1982 1J24 1010 Euston Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25298 o (Steve Kemp)
04/09/1982 2J57 1605 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25298 ph
05/09/1982 1J65 0845 Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25298: Replaced 47227 o
05/09/1982 2J75 1640 Aberystwyth Machynlleth Aberystwyth Machynlleth 21 D/H 25298  
05/09/1982 2J75 1725 Machynlleth Aberystwyth Machynlleth Aberystwyth 21 D/H 25298  
05/09/1982 1A51 1815 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25298: Replaced by 86240 o
11/05/1983 1P51 2247 Crewe Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18    
15/06/1983 1E33 1635 Carlisle Leeds Carlisle Leeds 113 31406 failed and dragged  
21/06/1983 2P95 0920 Lancaster Barrow Silverdale Barrow 25 40152 failed and dragged - is this same as 22/6?  
22/06/1983 1F32 1823 Barrow Liverpool Dalton Junction Preston 51 40152 failed and dragged - is this same as 21/6? rm
09/07/1983 1J20 0735 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25277 o
09/07/1983 1A72 1400 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25277: Train extended because of late running o
25/07/1983 1V88 1250 Leeds Cardiff Landore Street Jnct. Birmingham New St. 1 45122 failed and dragged Alan Baylis
05/08/1983   1625 Kidderminster Birmingham New St. Kidderminster Birmingham New St. 19 DMU failure  
17/05/1984   ? Nottingham Crewe Nottingham Derby 16 DMU failure Class 25 Action 84
27/05/1984 1M19 1410 Glasgow Central Euston Preston Crewe 67 D/H 25210: Dragging 86230 - train diverted because of engineering work o (Steve Kemp)
16/06/1984 1J20 1010 Euston Shrewsbury Wolverhampton Shrewsbury 30 D/H 25282 Ricky Forshaw (p)
15/07/1984 1Z26 0630 Weston-super-Mare Grange Over Sands Birmingham New St. Grange over Sands 244 D/H 25257: ADEX out and back to Crewe (with train forward to Taunton) o (Dave Ingham)
18/11/1984 1A35 1712 Manchester Picc. Euston Manchester Picc. Macclesfield 18 Dragging electric loco - power off for engineering work Class 25 Action 84
15/05/1985 1P11 1115 Liverpool Barrow Golborne Jnct. Preston 21 474xx failed Class 25 Action 85
18/05/1985 1E86 0720 Blackpool North Cambridge Blackpool North Preston 18 Replaced by 47444 o (Dave Gee)/RM8509
25/06/1985 1S37 1240 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   Class 25 Action 85
25/06/1985 1M56 1730 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   Class 25 Action 85
27/06/1985 1S06 2110 Euston Stranraer Harbour Ayr Stranraer Harbour 60 Pilot loco to 47571 o (Alan Baylis)
07/05/1986 1M11 2305 Glasgow Central Euston Warrington Crewe 24 As 25912: D/H 25904: Diverted via Chester  
05/07/1986   1610 Llandudno Jnct. Blaenau Ffestiniog Llandudno Jnct. Blaenau Ffestiniog 27 As 25912: DMU failure  
13/08/1986 1E08 0817 Holyhead Newcastle Bangor Llandudno Jnct. 25 As 25912: 47608 failed: 45009 forward  
28/08/1986   1440 Llandudno Jnct. Blaenau Ffestiniog Llandudno Jnct. Blaenau Ffestiniog 27 As 25912: DMU failure RE8611
28/08/1986   1605 Blaenau Ffestiniog Llandudno Jnct. Blaenau Ffestiniog Llandudno Jnct. 27 As 25912: DMU failure P.Treloar(p)/RW8704
15/01/1987   0710 Chester Manchester Vic. Warrington Manchester Vic. 22 As 25912: D/H 25902: DMU failure Alan Baylis
24/02/1990 1M09 0825 Leeds Carlisle Leeds Carlisle 113 D/H 47422 o (Chris Collins)
24/02/1990 1E11 1242 Carlisle Leeds Carlisle Leeds 113 D/H 47422 o (Gerry Ryan)
27/05/1990 1G70 ? Kings Cross Leeds York Leeds 39 "Modern Railways 500" (HR) Charter train - via Harrogate: Replaced 89001 and replaced by 91010 George Woods (p)
27/10/1990 1Z38 0625 Swindon Rhylstone Stockport Morecambe 133 "The Rhylstone Rambler" (PT) RTR o (Alan Baylis)
29/12/1990 1Z47 ? Euston Leeds Preston Leeds 65 "Copy Pit Pullman" (HR) RTR: Replaced 86417 and replaced by 91013 Six Bells Junction
16/02/1991 1Z38 0615 Swindon Bradford Sheffield Hellifield 248 "The Sulzer Salute" (PT) RTR out and return from Bradford: Top and tail with 47829 o (Derek Riley)
30/03/1991 1Z45 0720 Kings Cross Holyhead Leeds Holyhead 342 "Rat Requiem" (HRT) RTR - out and return (via Hebden Bridge): Banked between Manchester Vic and Miles Platting by 31242 o (Rat Roadshow)
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