        Total Records 38 Total Mileage   3018  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
12/08/1967 1M65 0935 Sheffield Llandudno Town Sheffield Llandudno Town 129 As 7634 o (John Powell)
12/08/1967 1E21 1428 Llandudno Town Sheffield Llandudno Town Sheffield 129 As 7634 DIAG
26/08/1967 1M65 0935 Sheffield Llandudno Town Sheffield Llandudno Town 129 As 7634: D/H 7636 (25286) o (John Powell)
26/08/1967 1E21 1428 Llandudno Town Sheffield Llandudno Town Sheffield 129 As 7634: D/H 7636 (25286) DIAG
06/06/1970   ? Gourock York Gourock ? York   As 7634: D/H 5201 (25051): SAGA special return leg Derby Sulzers
15/08/1970 1S54 ? Blackpool North Glasgow Central Blackpool North Glasgow Central 210 As 7634: D/H 7671 (25321): RELIEF train - route via Beattock Sulzer Types 2 & 3 (p)
16/08/1970 1M34 ? Glasgow Central Blackpool ? Glasgow Central Blackpool ? 210 D/H 7671 (25321) David Hills
                Seen approaching Crewe - train assumed to be ECS from Blackpool at this point  
02/09/1976 2B28 1105 Cardiff Taunton Cardiff Taunton 84   o (Phil Weaver)
02/09/1976 2C34 1333 Taunton Cardiff Taunton Cardiff 84   Peter Doudney/Scott Currie
23/07/1977 1V83 1220 Birmingham New St. Newquay Birmingham New St. Plymouth 218 D/H 25250 o (David Reed) / Dave Higson (p)
10/08/1978   0920 Lancaster Barrow Lancaster Barrow 35   Derby Sulzers
10/08/1978   1104 Barrow Crewe Barrow Crewe 107   Derby Sulzers
12/09/1978 2D99 0747 Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor 100   o (Dave Plimmer)
12/09/1978 2J99 1130 Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. 100   DIAG
30/07/1980 2P54 2113 Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North 48   Peter Calderley
31/07/1980 1J14 0718 Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. 48   Peter Calderley
02/08/1980   ? Blackpool North Motherwell ? Blackpool North Preston 18 RELIEF train Alan Baylis
                Seen on passenger train at Blackpool at 1500hrs - notes say on Moth train!  
02/09/1981 1D52 1511 St. Pancras Nottingham Leicester Nottingham 27 D/H 25308: 45117 failed and removed o (Kevin Watson)
19/09/1981 1J24 1010 Euston Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25285 o (Steve Kemp)
19/09/1981 2G54 1800 Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25285 o
02/04/1983 1D34 0745 Manchester Vic. Bangor Prestatyn Llandudno Jnct. 18 47492 failed and dragged: Train terminated at Llandudno Jnct due to late running o (David Williams)
02/04/1983 1J30 1208 Llandudno Jnct. Manchester Vic. Llandudno Jnct. Chester   Train started from Llandudno Jnct because of late running of outward leg: Failed and dragged by 40177 from Chester o (David Williams)/Colin Partington
11/08/1983 1M22 1620 Glasgow Central Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38   rm
13/08/1983 1J20 0735 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25276 o / Semaphores&Diesels(p)
13/08/1983 2J72 1400 Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25276: Train extended because of late running o (Andrew Bannister)
21/09/1983 1V06 1606 Crewe Cardiff Shrewsbury Cardiff 106 33014 failed and dragged rm
24/11/1983 1F02 0645 Derby Leicester Derby Leicester 29   T2mag0284/RE0284
24/11/1983 1E05 0748 Leicester Leeds Leicester Nottingham 27    
13/01/1984 1S50 0840 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   Class 25 Action 84
15/03/1984   1624 Leicester Birmingham New St. Leicester Birmingham New St. 40 DMU failure Class 25 Action 84
15/03/1984   1800 Birmingham New St. Derby Birmingham New St. Derby 41 DMU failure Class 25 Action 84
23/06/1984 2J61 0744 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25249 o (John Piesing)
23/06/1984 1A46 1010 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25249 o (John Piesing)
24/07/1984 2F57 1148 Manchester Vic. Liverpool Earlstown Liverpool 15 DMU failure Class 25 Action 84
10/08/1984 1M22 1620 Glasgow Central Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38   o (Colin Partington)
31/08/1984 1A54 1251 Blackpool North Euston Blackpool North Preston 18 RELIEF train Class 25 Action 84
31/08/1984 2J38 1935 Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. 48   Class 25 Action 84
27/10/1984 1M40 1820 Glasgow Central Manchester Vic. Preston Manchester Vic. 31   Class 25 Action 84
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