        Total Records 54 Total Mileage   4419  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
17/08/1966   1925 Stirling Glasgow Buchanan St. Stirling Glasgow Buchanan St. 30 As 7616 o (D Twibell)/RPS
05/07/1969 1D30 0735 Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 7616 o (John Powell)
05/07/1969 1D17 1352 Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 7616 DIAG
31/07/1969   0733 Yarmouth Birmingham New St. Leicester Birmingham New St. 40 As 7616: replaced 5667 (31240) RO6909
11/07/1970 1D17 ? Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 7616: D/H 7587 (25237) KDH Archive (p)
11/07/1970 1D30 ? Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 7616: D/H 7587 (25237) DIAG
08/07/1972 1E79 ? ? Yarmouth ? ? Yarmouth ?   As 7616: D/H 7672 (25322) o (Gerald Brown)
                Viewed at Thetford  
09/07/1972   0855 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 As 7616: D/H 7672 (25322) o
09/07/1972   ? Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 As 7616: D/H 7672 (25322) DIAG
05/08/1972 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 As 7616: D/H 5233 (25183) o (Gerald Brown)
                Locos did not work the return leg  
04/06/1973 1C51 ? Sheffield St. Pancras Sheffield St. Pancras 165 As 7616: D/H 5281 (25131) BR Diesels Doubleheaded (p)
                 Photo date given as June 73  
11/08/1973 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 As 7616: D/H 7647 (25307) DIAG
11/08/1973 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 As 7616: D/H 7647 (25307) o (Gerald Brown)
11/08/1973 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 As 7616: D/H 7647 (25307) DIAG
11/08/1973 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 As 7616: D/H 7647 (25307) DIAG
25/06/1974   0910 Congleton Oxford Congleton Oxford 246 MYSTEX out and back (1800 hrs return) Dave RailGenArchive
19/06/1976 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25243 DIAG
19/06/1976 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25243 DIAG
19/06/1976 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25243 DIAG
19/06/1976 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25243 o (Stephen Ford)
10/07/1976 1E85 0920 Derby Skegness Derby Skegness 91 D/H 25210 o (Ian Umpleby)/RPS
10/07/1976 1M35 1305 Skegness Derby Skegness Derby 91 D/H 25210 o (Ian Umpleby)/RPS
22/07/1976   ? St. Pancras Skegness St. Pancras Skegness 401 D/H 25250: ADEX out and back Six Bells Junction
24/10/1976   1045 St. Pancras Derby ? Derby   D/H 25221: 451xx failed and replaced RM7702
                Seen passing through Leicester  
31/07/1977 1A00 2045 Barrow Euston Bletchley Willesden 41 D/H 25314: Dragging 86235 o (Stephen Ford)
22/08/1977 1E28 0915 Derby Skegness Derby Skegness 91 D/H 25264 o (Gordon Lacy)
22/08/1977 1M83 1815 Skegness Derby Skegness Derby 91 D/H 25264 o (Gordon Lacy)
29/08/1977 1E81 0807 Alfreton & Mansfield Skegness Alfreton & Mansfield Skegness 93 D/H 25264: RELIEF train o (Gordon Lacy)
                Has also been quoted as 1018 Nottingham - Skegness  
29/08/1977 1Z96 1855 Skegness Alfreton & Mansfield Skegness Alfreton & Mansfield 93 D/H 25264: RELIEF train Peter Hall
12/09/1978   2230 Perth Euston ? Euston   D/H 25309: 85008 failed and dragged Hellfire blog
18/04/1982   ? ? Newcastle ? ?   D/H 25060: RELIEF train o (Steve Kemp)
02/06/1982   ? ? ? ? ?     Ebay (p)
                Photographed at Royston Jnct (Wakefield-Curdworth) heading South  
18/06/1982 1P12 1605 St. Pancras Derby Bedford Leicester 49 45013 failed: 46056 forward o (Colin Williams)
20/08/1982 1M89 1610 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115    
19/03/1983 1M03 1345 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115 D/H 26040 o (Steve Clarke)
12/05/1983 1P51 2247 Crewe Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18    
31/07/1983 1S57 0945 Euston Glasgow Central Bletchley Rugby 38 Dragging 86207 - Power off for engineering work o
31/07/1983 1H32 1150 Euston Manchester Picc. Bletchley Rugby 38 Dragging 8xxxx - Power off for engineering work  
06/03/1984 1P70 1440 Euston Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18   Class 25 Action 84
07/03/1984 2P35 0630 Preston Barrow Preston Barrow 56   Class 25 Action 84
07/03/1984 1F30 0822 Barrow Liverpool Barrow Liverpool 91   Class 25 Action 84
31/01/1985 1A12 0618 Blackpool North Euston Blackpool North Preston 18   Class 25 Action 85
31/01/1985 1A35 0934 Blackpool North Euston Blackpool North Preston 18   Class 25 Action 85
11/06/1985 1M14 1140 Poole Manchester Picc. Bescot Wolverhampton 6 86247 failed and dragged: 86254 forward: Note RE gives date as 11/5? Class 25 Action 85/RE
27/06/1985   1350 Bristol Temple Meads Edinburgh Stockport Preston 45 Dragging 810xx: RELIEF train Class 25 Action 85
07/07/1985 1Z40 1700 Ayr Caersws Warrington Caersws 99 D/H 25285: "Cambrian Scot" RTR return leg o (David Williams)
08/07/1985 1Z09 1350 Birmingham New St. Edinburgh Birmingham New St. Preston 119 D/H 25285: RELIEF train Class 25 Action 85
13/07/1985 1M17 0130 Stranraer Harbour Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18   RM8511
13/07/1985 1S91 0945 Blackpool North Stranraer Harbour Blackpool North Preston 18   Class 25 Action 85
19/07/1985 1A12 0630 Blackpool North Euston Blackpool North Preston 18   Class 25 Action 85
15/08/1985 1E51 0906 Bristol Temple Meads York Bristol Temple Meads York 233 RELIEF train o (Peter Scott)
20/09/1985 1Z09 1350 Birmingham New St. Edinburgh Carstairs Edinburgh 29 RELIEF train o (Richard Worman)
                Was paired with 25199 but that worked the Harwich portion  
29/06/1986 1Z27 0530 Caersws Edinburgh Caersws Chester 82 D/H 25313: "Edinburgh Flyer" (Cambrian Railways Soc) RTR: Out and back (1850 dep) to Shrewsbury; 25313 failed o (David Williams)
30/06/1986   ? Swansea Shrewsbury Llanwrtyd Wells Shrewsbury 68 DMU failure Jonathan Hazan/Flickr (p)
                Photographed at Llanwrtyd Wells Photograph
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