        Total Records 85 Total Mileage   7154  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
09/03/1964 2M71 0830 Bradford Foster Sq. Morecambe Bradford Foster Sq. Morecambe 67 As 7585 Derby Sulzers
                Notes say worked during this week  
09/03/1964   1230 Morecambe Leeds Morecambe Leeds 69 As 7585 Derby Sulzers
                Notes say worked during this week  
15/05/1964   ? Manchester Central St. Pancras ? St. Pancras   As 7585: D/H 7580 (25230): D115 (45067) failed MR6407
11/04/1970 1Z75 0832 Waterloo Dinting Stockport Dinting 25 As 7585: D/H 7597 (25247): "Midlands Enterprise" (MNLPS, BPPS & SLPS) RTR out and back: Replaced and replaced by E3137 Six Bells Junction/RM7007 (p)
04/09/1971 1E83 ? Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 As 7533 Diesels on the Eastern (p)
                Caption says from Walsall, headcode says Derby  
30/04/1972   1420 Euston Carlisle Preston Carlisle 90 As 7585 o / Sulzer Diesel Locos of BR
                Also train log in book dated Apr 72  
08/07/1972 1E34 0920 Manchester Picc. Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central 91 As 7585: D/H 5208 (25058) o (Peter Hall)
08/07/1972 1M74 0928 Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central Manchester Picc. 91 As 7585: D/H 5208 (25058) o (Peter Hall)
03/11/1973   ? Leicester Norwich Leicester Norwich 268 As 7585: D/H 5185 (25035): FOOTEX - out and back ? RM7402
29/05/1974   ? ? ? ? ?   North Wales Coast westbound o (B Price)/RPS
                Logged between Rhyl and Chester  
24/05/1975 1V87 0911 Newcastle Paignton Newcastle Paignton 399 D/H 25298 o (Peter Hall)
                Seen on train at Sheffield and Exeter  
28/06/1975 1E86 0900 Llandudno Town York Llandudno Town York 155   o (Gordon Lacy)
06/12/1975   ? ? Edinburgh ? Edinburgh   RUGEX Derby Sulzers
                Originating station not known  
09/05/1977   1225 Dundee Arbroath Dundee Arbroath 17 Loco on coaching stock (load 4) RM7708
09/05/1977   1317 Arbroath Dundee Arbroath Dundee 17 Loco on coaching stock (load 4) RM7708
09/05/1978   1100 Kyle of Lochalsh Inverness Kyle of Lochalsh Inverness 82 D/H 26029 Arnie Furniss (p)
28/07/1978   1444 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Cowlairs Banker   2 Banking 27024 o (Stephen Ford)
07/08/1978 1P10 1250 Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh Perth 57   o (Alan Lea)
19/08/1978   2045 Carlisle Perth Mossend Yard Perth 59   o (Brian Godwin)
01/09/1978 2A50 1657 Perth Arbroath Perth Arbroath 38   o (Tony Wardle)
01/09/1978   1833 Arbroath Dundee Arbroath Dundee 17   DIAG
09/02/1979   ? ? ? ? ?   D/H 25156 Derby Sulzers/Larry Goddard
                Photographed at Colwyn Bay, westbound Photograph
08/09/1979 1D38 1040 Manchester Vic. Llandudno Town Manchester Vic. Abergele 74 Failed at Abergele and D/H 25156 forward o (Alan Baylis)
14/06/1980 1E28 0810 Glasgow Queen St. Scarborough Glasgow Queen St. Edinburgh 47   SO80
                477xx worked return leg  
25/07/1980 1A55 1725 Glasgow Central Stranraer Harbour Glasgow Central Stranraer Harbour 101 D/H 25079 RailGenArchive/Derby Sulzers
26/07/1980 1M17 0120 Stranraer Harbour Blackpool North Stranraer Harbour Carlisle 166 D/H 25079 SO80
26/07/1980 1S91 0943 Blackpool North Stranraer Harbour Carlisle Stranraer Harbour 166 D/H 25079 RailGenArchive/Derby Sulzers
                Note Dsweb says is from Ayr  
27/07/1980 1S54 2004 Newton Abbot Stirling Mossend Yard Stirling 26 D/H 25079: MOTORAIL (Saturday departure) RailGenArchive
27/07/1980 1S15 2125 Dover Western Docks Stirling Mossend Yard Stirling 26 D/H 25079: MOTORAIL RailGenArchive
                Note WD says it worked three motorrail trains this day but difficult to see how - perhaps date wrong for one of them?  
27/07/1980 1V54 2158 Stirling Newton Abbot Stirling Mossend Yard 26 D/H 25079: MOTORAIL RailGenArchive
23/05/1981 1D30 0735 Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136   o (Gordon Lacy)
23/05/1981 1D17 1326 Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136   o (Kevin Watson)
30/05/1981 1V86 0958 Bradford Paignton Derby Birmingham New St. 41 47547 failed Alan Baylis
03/06/1981 1V86 1033 Leeds Paignton Derby Birmingham New St. 41 47452 failed and relaced ph/T2 mag
13/06/1981 1M74 1618 Plymouth Birmingham New St. Gloucester ? Birmingham New St. 54   RCTS
10/07/1981   1400 Plymouth Birmingham New St. Gloucester Birmingham New St. 54 RELIEF train Alan Baylis
                Assumed as no booked 1400 departure  
18/07/1981 1J24 1010 Euston Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25251 o (Steve Kemp)
18/07/1981 2G54 1800 Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25251 o (Dick Holland)
19/07/1981 1J65 0845 Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 126 D/H 25251 - diverted via Bescot o (Colin Williams)
19/07/1981 1A51 1800 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Nuneaton 145 D/H 25251 o (Richard Szwejkowski)
05/09/1981 1M34 1319 Skegness Manchester Picc. Chinley Manchester Picc. 17 40188 failed and dragged Alan Baylis/T0597
06/03/1982 1D34 0742 Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor 100   o
13/04/1982 1M68 0535 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139   David Barraclough
13/04/1982 1V03 1000 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139   David Barraclough
13/04/1982   ? Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139    
16/04/1982 1D21 1542 Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor 100 25067 failed and replaced o (Peter Scott)
16/04/1982 1J31 1925 Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. 100    
01/05/1982 1E82 1815 Birmingham New St. Norwich Leicester Norwich 134    
                Is this the same working as on the 3rd? Photograph
03/05/1982 1E82 1815 Birmingham New St. Norwich Leicester March 67    
05/06/1982   ? Barrow Wembley Central Castlethorpe Euston 55 D/H 25060: 40003 failed (low coolant water) and dragged: FOOTEX (Schoolboy International) outward leg only - extended to Euston due to late running o (Nick Ross)/Alan Morris T0808
26/06/1982 1J24 1010 Euston Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25194 o (David Williams)
26/06/1982 2J57 1605 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25194 o (David Williams)
27/06/1982 1J65 0845 Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25194  
27/06/1982 2J75 1640 Aberystwyth Machynlleth Aberystwyth Machynlleth 21 D/H 25194  
27/06/1982 2J75 1725 Machynlleth Aberystwyth Machynlleth Aberystwyth 21 D/H 25194  
27/06/1982 1A51 1815 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25194  
24/07/1982 1P18 0810 Leeds Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25184: Locos worked to Yarmouth rm
                 RM says it was on the Derby-Yarm but diagram is Leeds  
24/07/1982 1E83 0833 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25184 o (Dick Holland)
24/07/1982 1J09 1431 Yarmouth Sheffield Yarmouth Norwich   D/H 25184  
                Locos may have run light engine to Norwich  
24/07/1982 1M37 1444 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 D/H 25184 o (C Foss)/RPS
18/09/1982 1J24 1010 Euston Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25182 o (David Williams)
18/09/1982 2J57 1605 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Machynlleth 21 D/H 25182: Loco failed and removed at Machynlleth o (David Williams)
09/12/1982   1145 Manchester Picc. Sheffield Manchester Picc. Sheffield 42 ADDIT train because of Linslade tunnel accident Peter Hall
09/12/1982   1315 Sheffield Manchester Picc. Sheffield Manchester Picc. 42 ADDIT train because of Linslade tunnel accident Peter Hall
09/12/1982   1715 Sheffield Manchester Picc. Sheffield Manchester Picc. 42 ADDIT train because of Linslade tunnel accident Peter Hall
12/03/1983 1E23 1000 Carlisle Leeds Carlisle Leeds 113 Notes say 13th but as that is Sun 12th assumed Alan Baylis
12/03/1983 1M26 1602 Leeds Carlisle Leeds Carlisle 113 Notes say 13th but as that is Sun 12th assumed Alan Baylis
14/03/1983 1M26 1602 Leeds Carlisle Leeds Carlisle 113    
24/03/1983 1S37 1250 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115    
05/04/1983 1D35 0945 Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor 100   Alan Baylis
05/04/1983 1J22 1349 Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. 100   o (David Williams)
07/05/1983 1Z41 0740 Paddington Bewdley Dorridge Bewdley 32 D/H 25236: "The Evening Star" RTR outward leg: Replaced 92220: 25236 failed at Kidderminster and dragged Alan Baylis/Six Bells Junction
06/08/1983 1J20 0735 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25196 o (Alan Baylis)
06/08/1983 2J72 1400 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Machynlleth 21 D/H 25196: Loco failed and removed from train Alan Baylis
12/08/1983 1P36 1703 Euston Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18    
13/08/1983 1T07 1708 Birmingham New St. Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 35 ADEX out and back (?)  
13/01/1984 1S22 2335 Euston Glasgow Central Euston Bletchley 47 Power off out of Euston Class 25 Action 84
14/02/1984 1S50 0840 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   Class 25 Action 84
14/02/1984 1M89 1550 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   Class 25 Action 84
15/02/1984 1S37 1240 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   Class 25 Action 84/RE0584
06/03/1984 1M01 0730 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   Class 25 Action 84
06/03/1984 1S37 1240 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   Class 25 Action 84
23/08/1984 1S59 0930 Euston Inverness Golborne Jnct. Preston 21 Dragging electric loco - power off for lineside fire Class 25 Action 84
29/09/1984 1Z41 0315 Plymouth Keighley Wolverhampton Carnforth 330 D/H 25060: "Worth Valley Wanderer" (Honiton Round Table) RTR out and back to Derby - route via Manchester, Halifax, Carnforth, Skipton: Replaced 47152 and replaced by 45060 Six Bells Junction
12/10/1984 1A01 0030 Manchester Picc. Euston Acton Canal Wharf Jnct. Willesden 1 Train diverted and dragged from rear because of an accident at Wembley Class 25 Action 84
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