        Total Records 85 Total Mileage   6132  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
30/06/1973 1D30 ? Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 7559: D/H xxxx (25xxx) KM (p)
                Photographed at Rhyl - date given as 1973  
30/06/1973 1D17 ? Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 7559: D/H xxxx (25xxx) DIAG
                Date given as 1973  
01/09/1973 1M35 1245 Skegness Derby Skegness Derby 91 As 7559: D/H 5241 (25091) o (Gordon Lacy)
01/09/1973   ? Derby Skegness Derby Skegness 91 As 7559: D/H 5241 (25091) DIAG
02/09/1973   1815 Skegness Derby Skegness Derby 91 As 7559: D/H 5241 (25091) o (Stephen Ford)
29/06/1974 1M35 1245 Skegness Derby Skegness Derby 91 D/H 25200 o (Stephen Ford)
29/06/1974   ? Derby Skegness Derby Skegness 91 D/H 25200 o (Gordon Lacy)
31/05/1975 1E34 0920 Manchester Picc. Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central 91 D/H 25141 o (Stephen Ford)
31/05/1975 1M74 0930 Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central Manchester Picc. 91 D/H 25141 DIAG
16/09/1975 1M29 0652 St. Pancras Manchester Picc. St. Pancras Manchester Picc.     Pip Dunn (from magazine data)
19/06/1976 1M74 0915 Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central Manchester Picc. 91 D/H 25163 DIAG
19/06/1976 1E34 0920 Manchester Picc. Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central 91 D/H 25163 RailGenArchive
14/08/1976 1M74 0915 Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central Manchester Picc. 91 D/H 25167 DIAG
14/08/1976 1E34 0920 Manchester Picc. Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central 91 D/H 25167 o (Stephen Ford)
08/05/1977 2V67 1345 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Pontypool Road 118 Rail replacement bus forward o (Phil Weaver)
25/05/1977 1M81 0013 Stalybridge Manchester Vic. Stalybridge Manchester Vic. 8 Portion off 1M41 2150 York - Shrewsbury o (Peter Lovell)
22/02/1979   1750 Manchester Vic. Rochdale Manchester Vic. Rochdale 22 DMU substitution with loco hauled stock: Out and back (Oldham loop) o (Steve Kemp)
                May have worked several trains  
28/04/1979   ? Euston Blaenau Ffestiniog Llandudno Jnct. Blaenau Ffestiniog 54 D/H 47515: CHARTER train: Top and tail with 47515 at rear on return RM 7907 (p)/North Wales Coast Diesels (p)
                RM photo shows unknown class 25 at one end of train. Date given as 28/2 and 47545  
02/06/1979 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25115 DIAG
02/06/1979 1E83 0832 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25115 RailGenArchive/Yarmouth Trains 79
02/06/1979 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25115 DIAG
02/06/1979 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25115 o (Stephen Ford)
21/06/1979 1V09 1602 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139 Replaced 25221 off 1130 Cardiff - Crewe o (Phil Weaver)
28/07/1979 1D17 1300 Llandudno Town Nottingham Derby Nottingham 16   o (Stephen Ford)
20/10/1979   0955 Derby Newquay Derby Birmingham New St. 41 D/H 25208: Locos replaced by 47003 at Birmingham Derby Sulzers
24/03/1980   ? Euston ? Rugby ?   86247 failed and dragged RM8006
                Train reported to be a down express  
19/04/1980 1Z38 0710 Paddington Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 222 D/H 25263: RTR out and back (dep 1755): Replaced and replaced by 47140 o (Brian Daniels)
09/05/1980   ? Wolverhampton ? Euston Coventry Nuneaton 10 Dragging 8xxxx - power off for engineering work o (Colin Williams)
                Mid morning service  
07/06/1980 2J57 0410 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25089 Aber Trains 80
07/06/1980 1A46 1007 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25089 Aber Trains 80
17/06/1980   ? Lancaster ? Barrow ? Lancaster ? Barrow ?   DMU failure o (Jerry Glover)
                Photographed at Carnforth hauling DMU Photograph
20/09/1980 2J57 0410 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25302 Aber Trains 80
20/09/1980 1A46 1007 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25302 Aber Trains 80
19/02/1981 1V71 0720 Leeds Penzance Birmingham New St. Bristol Temple Meads 90 47556 failed and assisted forward o (John Coley)
13/06/1981 1E83 0835 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25208 o (Colin Williams)
13/06/1981 1M37 1420 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 D/H 25208 Bill Atkinson (p)
14/06/1981 1E86 0821 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25208 o (Colin Williams)
14/06/1981 1M85 1830 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25208 Peter Hall
28/06/1981 1J32 1340 Euston Shrewsbury Wolverhampton Shrewsbury 30 47463 failed and removed RCTS/Alan Baylis
11/10/1981 1G32 1340 Euston Wolverhampton ? ?     Alan Baylis
23/10/1981 1S22 2050 Kensington Olympia Stirling Kensington Olympia Willesden 2 D/H 25117: MOTORAIL: Last MR service out of Kensingon Olympia Alan Baylis
                Notes say worked mon through to sat on various MOTORRAIL services?  
13/06/1982 1E26 0819 Leicester Skegness Leicester Nottingham 27 D/H 25208: Loco failed and both locos replaced by 20016 & 20147 o (Colin Williams)
07/08/1982 2P53 ? Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North 48 DMU failed Alan Baylis
28/08/1982 1J24 1010 Euston Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25206 o (David Bagley)
28/08/1982 2J57 1605 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25206 ph
29/08/1982 1J65 0845 Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25206 Dave Spencer
                Others have 25282/25296  
29/08/1982 2J75 1640 Aberystwyth Machynlleth Aberystwyth Machynlleth 21 D/H 25206 DIAG
29/08/1982 2J75 1725 Machynlleth Aberystwyth Machynlleth Aberystwyth 21 D/H 25206 DIAG
29/08/1982 1A51 1815 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25206 DIAG
31/08/1982 1M68 1414 Norwich Birmingham New St. Nuneaton Birmingham New St. 21 31114 failed and dragged  
04/09/1982 1V85 1000 Bradford Paignton Bradford Leeds 9   Alan Baylis
11/09/1982 1J20 0740 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25242 Don Gatehouse (p)
11/09/1982 2J57 1400 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25242 ph
18/03/1983   2207 Preston Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18 DMU failure Alan Baylis
11/04/1983 1M68 1414 Norwich Birmingham New St. Narborough Birmingham New St. 33 31422 failed and dragged: Check loco? Alan Baylis
31/05/1983 1E85 0929 Derby Skegness Derby Skegness 91 D/H 25035 Barry Adams (p)
31/05/1983 1M47 1837 Skegness Derby Skegness Derby 91 D/H 25035 o (Kevin Watson)
15/07/1983 1M01 0730 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115    
18/07/1983 1V03 0801 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139    
18/07/1983 1M84 1140 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139   Carl Brunnock (p)
22/07/1983 1M01 0730 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   o
31/07/1983   0001 Preston Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38 RELIEF train  
23/08/1983 1M22 1620 Glasgow Central Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38   Alan Baylis
17/09/1983 1Z68 0738 Waterloo Bridgnorth Coventry Bewdley 43 D/H 25236: "Severn-Thames Express" RTR out and back (Dep 1631): Replaced and replaced by 33025 & 33027 Alan Baylis/Fred Lowe
03/12/1983 1E52 0716 Manchester Vic. York Manchester Vic. York 68   Alan Baylis
01/04/1984 1A01 0030 Manchester Picc. Euston Willesden Camden 5 Dragging 87008 & 87034 - power off for engineering work Class 25 Action 84
01/04/1984 1A04 0115 Holyhead Euston Willesden Camden 5 Dragging electric loco - power off for engineering work Class 25 Action 84
01/04/1984 1P02 0945 Euston Preston Euston Willesden 6 Dragging electric loco - power off for engineering work RailGenArchive
                Quoted for 1H30 0950 Manchester by some sources  
08/04/1984 1A05 0800 Wolverhampton Euston Willesden Camden 5 Dragging 87030 - power off for engineering work Class 25 Action 84
08/04/1984 1H30 0950 Euston Manchester Picc. Euston Willesden 6 Dragging electric loco - power off for engineering work Class 25 Action 84
08/04/1984 1G28 1200 Euston Wolverhampton Euston Willesden 6 Dragging electric loco - power off for engineering work o (Andy Sales)
08/04/1984 1M16 1930 Inverness Euston Willesden Camden 5 Dragging electric loco - power off for engineering work Class 25 Action 84
08/04/1984 1M11 2315 Glasgow Central Euston Willesden Camden 5 Dragging electric loco - power off for engineering work: Original gen said 2215 dep Class 25 Action 84
07/05/1984 1Z38 0630 Swindon Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25154: RTR (Wessex) - out and back (1705 dep): Note ran as 1055 Shrewsbury - Aberystwyth o (Brian Daniels)
07/05/1984   1705 Aberystwyth Swindon Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. 124 D/H 25154: RTR (Wessex) - out and back: Note ran as 1705 Aberystwyth - Shrewsbury service train o (John Wood)
12/05/1984   ? Oldham Llandudno Town Oldham Llandudno Town 190 D/H 25058: ADEX out and back Class 25 Action 84
27/07/1984 2K10 1242 Manchester Picc. Stafford Stoke-on-Trent Stafford 16 EMU failure Class 25 Action 84
20/08/1984   ? Carlisle Kings Cross Appleby Leeds 81 D/H 25054: Sir Lamiel failed and removed: "'Northern Belle" RTR Iain Reid (p)
31/08/1984   0030 Leicester Wolverhampton Leicester Wolverhampton 53 RELIEF train o (Colin Williams)
29/11/1984 2M62 1632 Great Malvern Birmingham New St. Stourbridge Jnct. Birmingham New St. 12 DMU failure Class 25 Action 84
29/12/1984 2D89 0901 Rock Ferry Chester Rock Ferry Chester 13 D/H 25182: DMU failure Class 25 Action 84
29/07/1985   1400 Llandudno Town Manchester Vic. Llandudno Town Manchester Vic. 87 DMU failure Class 25 Action 85
05/08/1985 1V04 0705 Holyhead Cardiff Holyhead Cardiff 244 47xxx failed and replaced Class 25 Action 85
                Photo shows train leaving Holyhead Photograph
30/09/1985 1M01 0740 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   Class 25 Action 85
30/09/1985 1S37 1240 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   Class 25 Action 85
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