        Total Records 44 Total Mileage   3749  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
10/06/1968   0900 Manchester Vic. Glasgow Central Manchester Vic. Carlisle ? 121 As 7551: D/H 1620 (47565) o (C Foss)/RPS
01/08/1969   2345 Newcastle Stranraer Harbour Newcastle Stranraer Harbour 215 As 7551: D/H 5283 (25133) DIAG
                Route assumed via Annbank  
02/08/1969   1350 Stranraer Harbour Newcastle Stranraer Harbour Newcastle 215 As 7551: D/H 5283 (25133) o (C Foss)/RPS
                Route assumed via Annbank  
19/08/1977 1A00 2045 Barrow Euston Barrow Preston 56   Derby Sulzers
01/04/1978 1L80 1010 Liverpool West Kirby Liverpool West Kirby 169 "Hundred of Wirral" (Wirral Railway Circle) RTR: Also used 25294 on back of train for part of tour Railways of North Wales (p)/Traction 257-Jun20 (p)
29/05/1979 1V09 1602 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139 Replaced 47033 off 1130 Cardiff - Crewe o (Dean Tabor)
30/05/1979 1M70 0750 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139   o (Phil Weaver)
30/05/1979 1V05 1225 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139   South Wales Gensheets
30/05/1979 1M73 1710 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139   o (Dean Tabor)
06/09/1981 1L02 0820 Northampton Aberystwyth Nuneaton Birmingham New St. 21 D/H 25234: ADEX: Locos failed and replaced Alan Baylis
04/06/1982 1V04 1000 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139    
04/06/1982 1M73 1710 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139   o (Dick Holland)
07/08/1983 1A05 0800 Wolverhampton Euston Rugby Bletchley 38 D/H 25079: Dragging 8xxxx via Northampton - power off for engineering work o (Colin Williams)
07/08/1983 1M09 2210 Glasgow Central Euston Rugby Bletchley 38 D/H 25079: Dragging 87011 - power off for engineering work (Nightrider service) Andy Sales (p)
                For the avoidance of doubt 1M09 and 1M10 were different trains and left Glasgow at the same time Photograph
07/08/1983 1M10 2210 Glasgow Central Euston Rugby Bletchley 38 D/H 25079: Dragging 8xxxx - power off for engineering work o
                For the avoidance of doubt 1M09 and 1M10 were different trains and left Glasgow at the same time  
11/08/1983 1E04 0937 Derby Skegness Derby Skegness 91 RELIEF train T2 mag
11/08/1983 1M07 1810 Skegness Derby Skegness Derby 91 RELIEF train o (Kevin Watson)
29/08/1983 1Z09 0700 Nelson Largs Nelson Preston 49 D/H 25178: MYSTEX out and return to Burnley o
07/09/1983 1F32 1823 Barrow Liverpool Barrow Preston 56 Train terminated at Preston  
07/09/1983   2100 Preston Crewe Preston Crewe 51 RELIEF train  
15/05/1984 1M30 0740 Norwich Birmingham New St. Leicester Birmingham New St. 40 31424 failed: RE say train ran on 14th? Class 25 Action 84/RE0984
15/05/1984 2E04 1230 Birmingham New St. Peterborough Birmingham New St. Peterborough 92   Class 25 Action 84
15/05/1984 2M05 1720 Peterborough Birmingham New St. Peterborough Birmingham New St. 92   o (Colin Williams)
06/07/1984 1M76 1645 Norwich Birmingham New St. Nuneaton Midland Jnct. Birmingham New St. 22 31423 failed Class 25 Action 84
08/07/1984 1E77 1720 Birmingham New St. Norwich Birmingham New St. Leicester 40 Loco replaced at Leicester by 31210 o (David Williams)
26/08/1984 1A02 0235 Euston Bletchley Euston Bletchley 47 D/H 25239: 85025 failed Class 25 Action 84
15/11/1984 2E79 1744 Nottingham Sleaford Nottingham Sleaford 38 DMU failure: RE says was on 14th? Class 25 Action 84/RE0385
15/11/1984 2K30 2040 Sleaford Lincoln Central Sleaford Lincoln Central 21 DMU failure Class 25 Action 84
05/05/1985   1828 Liverpool Barrow Liverpool Barrow 91 D/H 25245 T0885
06/05/1985 1M12 1640 Nottingham Barrow Nottingham Barrow 173 D/H 25245 Class 25 Action 85
06/05/1985 1K16 2150 Barrow Crewe Barrow Preston 56 D/H 25245 Class 25 Action 85
24/08/1985 1M68 0533 Cardiff Crewe Shrewsbury Crewe 33 33050 failed and dragged Class 25 Action 85
28/08/1985 1V03 0719 Manchester Picc. Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139 D/H 33004 Class 25 Action 85
12/09/1985 1E93 1703 Holyhead York Chester Manchester Vic. 40 47520 failed Class 25 Action 85
17/09/1985 1M33 0745 Glasgow Central Birmingham New St. Crewe Stafford 31 D/H 25173: Dragging 87034 via Stoke Class 25 Action 85
14/12/1985 1E99 1114 Bangor Newcastle Bangor York 168   Class 25 Action 85
27/05/1986 1M01 0523 Hull Liverpool Manchester Vic. Liverpool 32 31454 failed and dragged o (Steve Kemp)
12/08/1986 1M40 1820 Glasgow Central Manchester Vic. Preston Manchester Vic. 31   Clive G
24/08/1986 1Z37 0345 Paddington Pwllheli Wolverhampton Pwllheli 296 D/H 25037: "The Snowdonian 2" RTR out and back o (David Harlott)
25/08/1986   ? Manchester Vic. Liverpool Manchester Vic. Liverpool 32 D/H 25037: FOOTEX out and back  
03/11/1986 1E53 1300 Bangor York Chester Manchester Vic. 40 47468 failed  
05/12/1986 1E72 1030 Birmingham New St. Norwich Leicester March 67 31408 failed and replaced: 37209 forward RailGenArchive
30/12/1986 1M70 0750 Swansea Manchester Picc. Shrewsbury Crewe 33 47564 failed Fred Lowe
05/01/1987   1645 Kidderminster Birmingham New St. Stourbridge Jnct. Birmingham New St. 12 DMU failure Alan Baylis
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