        Total Records 37 Total Mileage   3366  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
28/05/1966 1D30 0836 Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 7525: D/H 7581 (25231) Derby Sulzers
28/05/1966 1D17 ? Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 7525: D/H 7581 (25231) Derby Sulzers
29/06/1968 1D30 ? Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 7525: D/H 7520 (25170) o (John Powell)
29/06/1968 1D17 ? Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 7525: D/H 7520 (25170) DIAG
13/07/1977   ? North London Southend North London Southend   SCHOOLEX Derby Sulzers
30/07/1977 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25212 DIAG
30/07/1977 1E83 0810 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25212 o (Gordon Lacy)
30/07/1977 1M66 1415 Yarmouth Walsall Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25212 DIAG
30/07/1977 1M37 1430 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 D/H 25212 o (Nick Bircham)
12/07/1980 1L15 0842 Sheffield Huddersfield Sheffield Huddersfield 37 Portion for 1M71 0855 York - Llandudno o (Bevan Price)/RPS
12/07/1980 1J14 1658 Huddersfield Sheffield Huddersfield Sheffield 37 Portion off 1E82 1342 Llandudno - York SO80
23/11/1980 1Z68 1730 Doncaster Birmingham New St. Dalston West Jnct. Birmingham New St. 115 D/H 25213: "The Yorkshire Terrier" (Worcester Loco Soc) RTR return leg o
17/07/1981 1D12 1601 St. Pancras Nottingham Bedford Leicester 49 4xxxx failed Alan Baylis
25/07/1981 1E83 0835 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25156 o (Steve Kemp)
25/07/1981 1M37 1420 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 D/H 25156 o (John Wood)
26/07/1981 1E86 0821 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25156 Peter Hall
26/07/1981 1M85 1830 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25156 Peter Hall
29/07/1981   ? Derby Aberystwyth Derby Wolverhampton 53 D/H 25149: ADEX: Locos replaced by 25056 & 25270 o (Colin Williams)
20/12/1981 1A01 0025 Manchester Picc. Euston Willesden Camden 5 Dragging 8xxxx - power off for engineering works Alan Baylis
30/04/1983 1Z26 ? Altrincham Reading Coventry Reading 160 ADEX out and back (1805 dep) o (Stephen Dance)
20/08/1983 2J71 0744 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25221 o (Alan Baylis)
20/08/1983 1A46 1010 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25221 o (Peter Scott)
20/12/1983   1615 Euston Northampton Euston Bletchley 47 Dragging EMUs 310078 & 310093 - power off due to overhead line damage o
01/02/1984 1A37 1448 Inverness Aberdeen Inverness Aberdeen 108 Pilot loco to 47157 Class 25 Action 84/RE0584
08/04/1984   0745 Rugby Birmingham New St. Rugby Coventry 11 Dragging EMU - power off for engineering work Class 25 Action 84
17/05/1984 1M40 1820 Glasgow Central Manchester Vic. Preston Manchester Vic. 31   Class 25 Action 84
18/05/1984 1S45 0750 Manchester Vic. Glasgow Central Manchester Vic. Preston 31   Class 25 Action 84
18/05/1984 1P36 1703 Euston Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18   Class 25 Action 84
28/06/1984 1M01 0725 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   Class 25 Action 84
18/08/1984 1J20 0735 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25044 o (David Williams)
18/08/1984 2J84 1400 Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25044: Train extended because of late running: 85032 from Wolves. o (David Williams)
07/11/1984 1H13 1450 Euston Manchester Picc. Nuneaton Birmingham New St. 21 Dragging 86252: Train diverted because of power failure at Atherstone Class 25 Action 84
28/01/1985 1S90 0605 Carlisle Glasgow Central Mossband Gretna Jnct. 1 27020 failed: Loco replaced by 47157 Class 25 Action 85
10/04/1985 1Z09 1205 Bristol Temple Meads Edinburgh Carstairs Edinburgh 29 D/H 25196: RELIEF train o (Jim Burton)
01/06/1985 1Z38 0715 Kings Cross Blackpool North Horbury Jnct. Blackpool North 169 D/H 25198: "Blackpool Boomerang" RTR o (Dave Ingham)
08/07/1985 1P62 1200 Euston Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18   Class 25 Action 85
21/09/1985 1Z43 0512 Bolton Swansea Bolton Swansea 517 D/H 25034: "Landore Lodger/Swindon Ambassador" (Traintours) RTR Martin Brown (p)
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