        Total Records 60 Total Mileage   6548  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
29/05/1972   ? ? ? Rhyl ?   As 5272: D/H 7662 (25312) KM (p)
                Photographed heading east (I think!)  
27/05/1973   ? Nottingham Yarmouth Nottingham Yarmouth 248 As 5272: D/H 5225 (25075): ADEX - out and back ? RM7308
04/08/1973 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Norwich 185 As 5272: D/H 7665 (25315) o (Stephen Ford)
04/08/1973 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 As 5272: D/H 7665 (25315) o (Gordon Lacy)
14/08/1973   ? Worcester Shrub Hill ? Stourbridge Jnct. ? Worcester Shrub Hill ? Stourbridge Jnct. ? 22 As 5272: Loco on coaching stock - out and back ? Brian Thomas
                Train ran at lunchtime Photograph
21/09/1974 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Norwich 185 D/H 25074 o (Kevin Ellis)
21/09/1974 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 D/H 25074 DIAG
05/07/1975 1L18 0830 Chesterfield Scarborough Chesterfield Scarborough 100 D/H 25024 o (Stephen Ford)
05/07/1975 1J22 1329 Scarborough Sheffield Scarborough Sheffield 100 D/H 25024 o (Phil Weaver)
12/07/1975 1E72 0640 Coventry Yarmouth Coventry Norwich 163 D/H 25131: The 0725 Birmingham - Norwich starting at Coventry and extended to Yarmouth Derby Sulzers/Dave Spencer
29/05/1976 1E86 0852 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25136 o (Gordon Lacy)
29/05/1976 1M02 1230 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25136 DIAG
31/07/1976 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25117 DIAG
31/07/1976 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25117 o (Gordon Lacy)
31/07/1976 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25117 DIAG
31/07/1976 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25117 o (Phil Weaver)
17/07/1977 1E28 0915 Derby Skegness Derby Skegness 91 D/H 25164 RailGenArchive
17/07/1977 1M83 1815 Skegness Derby Skegness Derby 91 D/H 25164 RailGenArchive
18/07/1977 1E85 0920 Burton on Trent Skegness Burton on Trent Skegness 101 D/H 25164 Peter Hall
18/07/1977 1M47 1920 Skegness Burton on Trent Skegness Burton on Trent 101 D/H 25164 Diesels Nationwide Vol.4 (p)
26/07/1977 1E86 0824 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25213 Peter Hall
26/07/1977 1M22 1830 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25213 Peter Hall
27/07/1977 1E86 0824 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25213 Peter Hall
27/07/1977 1M22 1830 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25213 Peter Hall
20/08/1977 1D30 0735 Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136   RailGenArchive
20/08/1977 1D17 1305 Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136   KDH archive (p)
27/08/1977 1D30 0735 Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136   o (Alan Baylis)
27/08/1977 1D17 1305 Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136   RailGenArchive
03/09/1977 1D30 0735 Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136   KDH Archive (p)
03/09/1977 1D17 1305 Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136   DIAG
04/09/1977 1E26 0840 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25134 Peter Hall
04/09/1977 1M85 1830 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25134 Peter Hall
17/06/1978 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Norwich 185 D/H 25126 Yarmouth Trains 78
17/06/1978 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 D/H 25126 Yarmouth Trains 78
18/06/1978 1E26 0840 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25136 Peter Hall
18/06/1978 1M85 1830 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25136 Peter Hall
23/08/1978 1E04 0953 Nottingham Skegness Nottingham Skegness 75 D/H 25115: RELIEF train RailGenArchive
23/08/1978 1M07 1815 Skegness Nottingham Skegness Nottingham 75 D/H 25115: RELIEF train RailGenArchive
24/08/1978 1E04 0953 Nottingham Skegness Nottingham Skegness 75 D/H 25115: RELIEF train RailGenArchive
24/08/1978 1M07 1815 Skegness Nottingham Skegness Nottingham 75 D/H 25115: RELIEF train RailGenArchive
27/08/1978 1E06 0920 Nottingham Skegness Nottingham Skegness 75 D/H 25115: RELIEF train Peter Hall
27/08/1978 1M06 1915 Skegness Nottingham Skegness Nottingham 75 D/H 25115: RELIEF train Peter Hall
28/08/1978 1E04 0953 Nottingham Skegness Nottingham Skegness 75 D/H 25115: RELIEF train o (Gordon Lacy)
28/08/1978 1M07 1815 Skegness Nottingham Skegness Nottingham 75 D/H 25115: RELIEF train DIAG
29/08/1978 1M07 1815 Skegness Nottingham Skegness Nottingham 75 D/H 25115: RELIEF train o (Brian Godwin)
30/08/1978 1M07 1815 Skegness Stoke-on-Trent Skegness Stoke-on-Trent 126 D/H 25115: ADDIT train Peter Hall
30/08/1978 1E04 ? Stoke-on-Trent Skegness Stoke-on-Trent Skegness 126 D/H 25115: ADDIT train Peter Hall
14/04/1979 1L02 1601 Pwllheli Euston Machynlleth Wolverhampton 91 D/H 25040: 46011 added to train from Shrewsbury for heating: "The Cambrian Coast Express" (LNER) RTR return leg Derby Sulzers/Six Bells Junction
16/04/1979 1L03 0830 Walsall Aberystwyth Walsall Aberystwyth 235 D/H 25040: ADEX out and back ? Derby Sulzers
30/06/1979 2J57 0415 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25263 Aber Trains 79
                Loco did not work the return leg  
30/06/1979 1A46 1009 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25263 Aber Trains 79
07/07/1979 1D30 0730 Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Derby 16 Replaced by 25161 Peter Hall
18/08/1979 1V05 1225 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139 D/H 25156 Woolwinder (p)
                Photographed at Craven Arms Photograph
15/09/1979 1M70 0750 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139 D/H 25245 o (Dick Holland)
15/09/1979 1V05 1225 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139 D/H 25245 o (Dean Tabor)
24/05/1980 2J57 0410 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25267 Aber Trains 80
24/05/1980 1A46 1007 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25267 Stephen Burdett (p)
25/05/1980 1J65 0845 Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25267 o
25/05/1980 1A51 1810 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25267 DIAG
02/08/1980 1S44 1505 Blackpool North Glasgow Central Blackpool North Preston 18   o
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