        Total Records 76 Total Mileage   5201  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
06/09/1965   ? Glasgow Central Wemyss Bay Glasgow Central Wemyss Bay 31 As 5245 o (M Rowe)/RPS
31/07/1971 1E83 0830 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 As 5245: D/H 7503 (25153) o
31/07/1971 1M37 1420 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 As 5245: D/H 7503 (25153) DIAG
05/08/1972 1D17 1358 Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 5245: D/H 5242 (25092) o (Gordon Lacy)
                Known to have worked from Derby  
05/08/1972 1D30 ? Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 5245: D/H 5242 (25092) DIAG
21/07/1973 1D30 0735 Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 5245: D/H 5223 (25073) o (Stephen Ford/Gordon Lacy)
                Seen on train between Nottingham and Long Eaton  
21/07/1973 1D17 ? Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 5245: D/H 5223 (25073) DIAG
05/08/1973   2043 Birmingham New St. Peterborough Birmingham New St. Peterborough 92 As 5245 o (Stephen Ford)
07/08/1974   1543 Bangor Euston Bangor Crewe 81 D/H 40033 North Wales Coast Diesels (p)
10/08/1974   1305 Skegness Derby Skegness Derby 91 D/H 25102 o (Stephen Ford)
10/08/1974   ? Derby Skegness Derby Skegness 91 D/H 25102 DIAG
11/08/1974 1E26 0850 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25102 David Blower (p)
11/08/1974 1M85 1830 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25102 David Blower (p)
17/08/1974 1D30 0735 Nottingham Llandudno Town Derby Llandudno Town 120 Replaced 25099 o (Gordon Lacy)
17/08/1974 1D17 1300 Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136   DIAG
31/03/1975   0920 Birmingham New St. Poole Birmingham New St. Reading 99 D/H 25259 Derby Sulzers
10/05/1975   ? ? ? ? ?     Alan Baylis
                Seen at B'ham NS on a passenger train, evening  
21/06/1975   ? Blythe Bridge Llandudno Town Blythe Bridge Llandudno Town 180 D/H 25090: RELIEF train out and back? Derby Sulzers
22/05/1976   ? ? Llandudno Town ? Llandudno Town   33016 failed (out of fuel) and dragged John Powell
                Possibility that 33 failed on inward service as 25 marshalled train and dragged 33 to Llan Jn for refuelling  
30/05/1976 1E86 0852 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25076 o (Stephen Ford)
30/05/1976   ? Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25076 DIAG
05/06/1976 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25205 DIAG
05/06/1976 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25205 o (GerardTCC)
05/06/1976 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25205 DIAG
05/06/1976 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25205 o (Stephen Ford)
03/07/1976 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25099 DIAG
03/07/1976 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25099 Peter Hall
03/07/1976 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25099 DIAG
03/07/1976 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25099 DIAG
13/03/1979 1M60 1507 Plymouth Manchester Picc. Gloucester Birmingham New St. 54   Derby Sulzers/RailGenArchive
26/05/1979 1J24 1010 Euston Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25032 Derby Sulzers
26/05/1979 2J57 1610 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25032 Aber Trains 79
01/06/1980 1M10 2359 Sheffield Euston Bedford Euston 63 D/H 25210: Diverted from St.Pancras RailGenArchive
14/06/1980 1E91 0802 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Norwich 185 D/H 25107 o
14/06/1980 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 D/H 25107 o
23/11/1980 1A00 2045 Barrow Euston Bletchley Watford Junction 29 Dragging 86224 - power off for engineering works o
01/03/1981 1A04 0107 Holyhead Euston Stonebridge Park Euston 2 Power off for engineering work Alan Baylis
20/04/1981 1M62 2340 Stirling Kensington Olympia Willesden Kensington Olympia 2 D/H 25319: MOTORAIL Alan Baylis
03/06/1981 1M81 2118 Perth Kensington Olympia Willesden Kensington Olympia 2 D/H 25054: MOTORAIL MRP8406 (p)
12/06/1981 1S55 0855 Kensington Olympia Perth Kensington Olympia Willesden 2 D/H 25113: MOTORAIL Traction 1611
16/07/1983 2J13 0655 Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Preston Manchester Vic. 31 40063 failed and replaced  
16/07/1983 1E19 0840 Manchester Vic. Scarborough Manchester Vic. Leeds 43 Failed and replaced by 47314 RailUKforums
14/08/1983 1A05 0800 Wolverhampton Euston Rugby Bletchley 38 D/H 25300: Dragging 87032 - power off for engineering work o (Colin Williams)
14/08/1983 1M09 2210 Glasgow Central Euston Rugby Bletchley 38 D/H 25300: Dragging 8xxxx - power off for engineering work  
                For the avoidance of doubt 1M09 and 1M10 were different trains and left Glasgow at the same time  
14/08/1983 1M10 2210 Glasgow Central Euston Rugby Bletchley 38 D/H 25300: Dragging 87035 - power off for engineering work  
                For the avoidance of doubt 1M09 and 1M10 were different trains and left Glasgow at the same time Photograph
24/08/1983 1G00 0130 Holyhead Birmingham New St. Holyhead Crewe 105   Alan Baylis
07/10/1983 1P36 1703 Euston Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18    
08/02/1984   1635 Derby Nottingham Derby Nottingham 16 DMU replacement with loco hauled stock Class 25 Action 84
08/02/1984   1720 Nottingham Birmingham New St. Nottingham Derby 16 DMU replacement with loco hauled stock: DMU from Derby Class 25 Action 84
11/08/1984 1J20 0735 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25154 o (Mike Tasker)/RPS
11/08/1984 2J84 1400 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25154 Class 25 Action 84
10/02/1985 1G00 0357 Crewe Birmingham New St. Crewe Stafford 24 Power off for engineering work: 81005 forward Class 25 Action 85
24/06/1985 2F23 0720 Manchester Vic. Liverpool Manchester Vic. Liverpool 32   o (Steve Kemp)
02/07/1985 1V03 0719 Manchester Picc. Cardiff Manchester Picc. Cardiff 169   Class 25 Action 85
02/07/1985 1M84 1200 Cardiff Nantwich Cardiff Nantwich 134 Train terminated at Nantwich because of the Crewe station remodelling works Class 25 Action 85
02/07/1985 2L33 1640 Nantwich Shrewsbury Nantwich Shrewsbury 28 Additional train associated with the Crewe station remodelling works Class 25 Action 85
02/07/1985   1745 Shrewsbury Nantwich Shrewsbury Nantwich 28 Additional train associated with the Crewe station remodelling works o (David Williams)
02/07/1985 1V07 2054 Nantwich Cardiff Nantwich Cardiff 134 Train started at Nantwich because of the Crewe station remodelling works o (David Williams)
03/07/1985 1M84 1200 Cardiff Nantwich Cardiff Nantwich 134 Train terminated at Nantwich because of the Crewe station remodelling works Class 25 Action 85
03/07/1985 2L33 1640 Nantwich Shrewsbury Nantwich Shrewsbury 28 Additional train associated with the Crewe station remodelling works Class 25 Action 85
03/07/1985   1745 Shrewsbury Nantwich Shrewsbury Nantwich 28 Additional train associated with the Crewe station remodelling works o (David Williams)
03/07/1985 1V07 2054 Nantwich Cardiff Nantwich Cardiff 134 Train started at Nantwich because of the Crewe station remodelling works o (David Williams)
16/08/1985 1M22 1615 Glasgow Central Liverpool Wigan N.W. Liverpool 23 Electric loco to Wigan because there were no spare diesel locos at Preston o (Leonard Ball)
                Others say from Preston  
22/09/1985 1A10 0800 Blackpool North Euston Acton Willesden 1 Train diverted because of engineering work Class 25 Action 85
22/09/1985 1A11 0845 Manchester Picc. Euston Acton Willesden 1 Train diverted because of engineering work Class 25 Action 85
22/09/1985 1H30 0950 Euston Manchester Picc. Willesden Acton 1 Train diverted because of engineering work Class 25 Action 85
22/09/1985 1A16 1045 Manchester Picc. Euston Acton Willesden 1 Train diverted because of engineering work Class 25 Action 85
22/09/1985 1A19 1145 Liverpool Euston Acton Willesden 1 Train diverted because of engineering work Class 25 Action 85
22/09/1985 1M16 1930 Inverness Euston Acton Willesden 1 Train diverted because of engineering work Class 25 Action 85
22/09/1985 1M15 2030 Inverness Euston Acton Willesden 1 Train diverted because of engineering work Class 25 Action 85
22/09/1985 1M11 2205 Glasgow Central Euston Acton Willesden 1 Train diverted because of engineering work: 47488 forward o (Richard Wier)
05/01/1986   ? Bristol Temple Meads Birmingham New St. Bristol Temple Meads Birmingham New St. 90 RELIEF train (stock forward to Newcastle)  
17/04/1986   1001 Bedford Bletchley Bedford Bletchley 17 DMU failure RE8607
17/04/1986   1050 Bletchley Bedford Bletchley Bedford 17 DMU failure Fred Lowe
17/04/1986   1210 Bletchley Bedford Bletchley Bedford 17 DMU failure o (Jason Hall)
17/04/1986   1415 Bedford Bletchley Bedford Bletchley 17 DMU failure Fred Lowe
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