        Total Records 74 Total Mileage   9532  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
19/04/1965 2E92 1145 Manchester Central Sheffield Manchester Central Sheffield 43 As 5224: Load 8 o (David Wragg)
03/07/1967 2E92 ? Manchester Picc. Sheffield Manchester Picc. Sheffield 42 As 5224 RX9608 (p)
09/04/1968 2C88 0754 Harpenden Moorgate Harpenden Moorgate 27 As 5224 John Tyler/Leighton Logs
23/03/1971 1M51 0801 Manchester Picc. St. Pancras Derby Leicester 29 As 5224: Pilot loco: D/H 46 (45037) o (Gordon Lacy)
28/08/1971   ? ? Sheffield ? ? Sheffield ?   As 5224 o (P Micklethwaite)
                Seen working Rotherham to Sheffield  
23/10/1971   0745 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 222 As 5224: D/H 5235 (25085): ADEX out and back (1755 dep) David Hills
01/07/1972 1E91 0735 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Norwich 185 As 5224: D/H 5266 (25116) o (Gerald Brown)
01/07/1972 1M37 1420 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 As 5224: D/H 5266 (25116) DIAG
23/07/1972   ? Nottingham Aberystwyth Nottingham Aberystwyth 382 As 5224: D/H 7640 (25290) : MYSTEX out and back MR7210
26/08/1972 1Z94 ? ? Yarmouth ? ? ?   As 5224: D/H 5248 (25098) Six Bells Junction
                Seen passing Thetford, load 8  
26/08/1972 1Z94 ? ? Yarmouth ? ? Yarmouth ?   As 5224: D/H 5248 (25098) o (Gerald Brown)
                Viewed at Thetford Photograph
16/09/1972 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 As 5224: D/H 7633 (25283) o (Stephen Ford)
15/04/1973   2043 Birmingham New St. Peterborough Birmingham New St. Peterborough 92 As 5224 o (Stephen Ford)
23/04/1973 1Z72 ? Wellingborough Whitley Bay Nottingham Whitley Bay 355 As 5224: D/H 5231 (25081): MYSTEX out and back o (John Gray)/Six Bells Junction
01/09/1973   1400 Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 5224: D/H 5279 (25129) o (Stephen Ford)
01/09/1973 1D30 ? Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 5224: D/H 5279 (25129) DIAG
15/04/1974 1Z78 0744 Leamington Spa Paignton Leamington Spa Paignton 444 D/H 25057: ADEX out and back RW7406
25/05/1974 1D30 0735 Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136   KM (p)
                Date given as 1975 but suspect wrongly  
25/05/1974 1D17 1400 Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Derby 120   DIAG
                Date given as 1975 but suspect wrongly  
15/06/1974 1E86 0852 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25025 o (Gordon Lacy)
15/06/1974   1230 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25025 DIAG
16/06/1974 1E26 0850 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25025 o (A Heaton)/RPS
16/06/1974   ? Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25025 DIAG
26/08/1974 1Z94 ? Alfreton & Mansfield Skegness Alfreton & Mansfield Skegness 185 D/H 25134: RELIEF train - out and back RM7411 (p)
21/09/1974 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Norwich 185 D/H 25122 o (Kevin Ellis)
21/09/1974 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 D/H 25122 DIAG
18/11/1974 1D52 1530 St. Pancras Nottingham Leicester ? Nottingham 27 D/H 45131 o (A Heaton)/RPS
                25074 had brake problems by Loughborough  
24/05/1975 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Leicester 51 D/H 25280: Replaced by 25083 & 25102 Peter Hall
31/05/1975 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25118 DIAG
31/05/1975 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25118 o (GerardTCC)/RM7508
31/05/1975 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25118 DIAG
31/05/1975 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25118 o (Phil Weaver)
09/08/1975 1M12 0825 Leicester Blackpool North Nottingham Blackpool North 146 D/H 25129 o (Peter Hall)
09/08/1975 1M65 1430 Blackpool North Leicester Blackpool North Nottingham 146 D/H 25129 o (Peter Hall)
26/08/1975 1E85 0920 Derby Skegness Derby Skegness 91 D/H 25138 o (Steve Thorpe)
26/08/1975   1925 Skegness Derby Skegness Derby 91 D/H 25138 o (Steve Thorpe)
13/09/1975 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25132 DIAG
13/09/1975 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25132 Peter Hall
13/09/1975 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25132 DIAG
13/09/1975 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25132 Peter Hall
10/07/1976 1D30 0735 Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 D/H 25205 Derby Sulzers
10/07/1976 1D17 1300 Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 D/H 25205 DIAG
23/07/1976   ? Banbury Aberystwyth Banbury Aberystwyth 336 D/H 25188: ADEX out and back RW7610
24/07/1976   ? Cambridge Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 222 D/H 25188: ADEX out and back (1750 dep) o (Stephen Ford)
21/08/1976 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25065 DIAG
21/08/1976 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25065 o (Gordon Lacy)
21/08/1976 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25065 DIAG
21/08/1976 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25065 Peter Hall
13/01/1977   ? Crewe Lincoln Central Crewe Lincoln Central 100 Loco on coaching stock Derby Sulzers
                Early morning service  
11/04/1977 1Z70 ? Burton on Trent Skegness Burton on Trent Skegness 202 D/H 25076: ADEX out and back RM7707
                RM7707 actually says from Alfreton and 47137 from Burton  
23/04/1977 1M80 09xx Norwich Birmingham New St. Leicester ? Birmingham New St. 40   Chris Nuthall (p)
                Photographed at Wigston Junction  
17/05/1977 1N21 0940 Edinburgh Inverness Edinburgh Perth 57   o (Peter Lovell)
04/06/1977   ? Llandudno Town Holyhead Llandudno Town Holyhead 43 Photograph shows a regular "Shoppers Special" working of three coaches 2D53web
                Date is unknown but in 1977  
29/08/1977   ? Holyhead Llandudno Town Holyhead Llandudno Jnct. 40 24081 forward: Three coach shoppers special RM7711
08/10/1977 2V67 1600 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139   o (Peter Lovell)
01/05/1978 1E81 0824 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25036: RELIEF train Peter Hall
01/05/1978 1M22 1834 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25036: RELIEF train Peter Hall
                Departure time also quoted as 1850  
06/05/1978   ? Swansea Spalding Nottingham Spalding 106 D/H 25073: Replaced a loco failure on outward leg: ADEX out and back ? Pip Dunn
                Return to Nottingham only is assumed  
02/07/1978 1Z73 ? ? Skegness ? Skegness   D/H 25043: ADEX out and back (Dep 1749) Peter Hall
06/07/1978 1Z32 ? ? Skegness ? Skegness   D/H 25043: ADEX outward leg only: Failed at Skegness and replaced by 20107 & 20155 Peter Hall
15/09/1978 1V01 0604 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139   o (Alan Lea)
15/09/1978 1M84 1130 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139   DIAG
15/09/1978 1V09 1600 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139   o (Phil Weaver)
28/09/1978 1M94 1710 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139   o
29/09/1978 1Z86 2030 Derby Wadebridge Derby Plymouth 781 D/H 25073: "Wadebridge Wanderer" (MLST) RTR out and back (30/9 Wadebridge dep 1200) to Leicester o (David Reed)
09/01/1979   0708 Peterborough Kings Cross ? Kings Cross   D/H 31408 Derby Sulzers
10/02/1979 1Z71 1317 Annesley Colliery Marylebone Nottingham Marylebone 242 D/H 25071: Loco replaced 25302 at Nottingham for the rest of the tour and return leg: "The Nottingham Collier" (DAA) RTR o (Gordon Lacy)
23/02/1979   0910 Liverpool Hull Liverpool Hull 127 DMU substitution with loco hauled stock RM7905
23/02/1979   1347 Hull Manchester Vic. Hull Manchester Vic. 95 DMU substitution with loco hauled stock o (A Heaton)/RPS
23/02/1979   1712 Manchester Vic. Liverpool Manchester Vic. Liverpool 32 DMU substitution with loco hauled stock RM7905
25/02/1979 1M51 0945 Manchester Picc. St. Pancras Manchester Picc. Derby ?   Routed via Woodhead. 45130 reversed train from Woodburn Jn. To Sheffield o (Nick Lawford)
19/05/1979   ? Maryport Stratford-on-Avon Maryport Stratford-on-Avon 427 D/H 25137: ADEX out and back  
07/12/1979 1M73 1710 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139   o (Phil Weaver)
06/03/1980 1J30 1130 Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. 100   o (Sean Greenslade)
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