        Total Records 93 Total Mileage   7134  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
02/05/1964 1V43 1150 York Bristol Temple Meads ? ?   As 5222 RO6406
                No details where loco worked from or to  
18/05/1964 2N71 0933 Morecambe Leeds Morecambe Leeds 69 As 5232 Green Diesel Days (p)
14/06/1967 1Z20 ? ? ? ? ?   As 5218: D/H 5222 (25072): ADEX Looking back at Sulzer Locomotives (p)
                Photographed at Byfleet Junction  
18/09/1967 2C88 0754 Harpenden Moorgate Harpenden Moorgate 27 As 5222 John Tyler/Leighton Logs
06/12/1967 2C88 0754 Harpenden Moorgate Harpenden Moorgate 27 As 5222 John Tyler/Leighton Logs
18/12/1967 2C88 0754 Harpenden Moorgate Harpenden Moorgate 27 As 5222 John Tyler/Leighton Logs
03/05/1968 2C88 0754 Harpenden Moorgate Harpenden Moorgate 27 As 5222: Train ran as a DMU after this date John Tyler/Leighton Logs
11/03/1970   ? Leicester Gatwick Airport Leicester Gatwick Airport 131 As 5222: D/H 5219 (25069): ADDIT train - one way only Derby Sulzers
12/03/1970   ? Leicester Gatwick Airport Leicester Gatwick Airport 131 As 5222: D/H 5216 (25066): ADDIT train - one way only Derby Sulzers
15/04/1973   2130 Leicester Birmingham New St. Leicester Birmingham New St. 40 As 5222 o (Stephen Ford)
04/08/1973 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 As 5222: D/H 5216 (25066) DIAG
04/08/1973 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 As 5222: D/H 5216 (25066) o (Stephen Ford)
                Seen on train between Beeston and Nottingham - the Derby - Yarmouth is assumed  
04/08/1973 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 As 5222: D/H 5216 (25066) DIAG
04/08/1973 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 As 5222: D/H 5216 (25066) DIAG
07/10/1973   2043 Birmingham New St. Peterborough Birmingham New St. Peterborough 92 As 5222 o (Stephen Ford)
25/04/1974   ? Marylebone York Marylebone York 501 D/H 25036: ADEX out and back - route via Penistone & Huddersfield Derby Sulzers
                Return mileage assumed direct route  
06/09/1975 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25165 DIAG
06/09/1975 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25165 DIAG
06/09/1975 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25165 DIAG
06/09/1975 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25165 o (Stephen Ford)
15/12/1976   1122 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59 DMU replacement with loco hauled stock Derby Sulzers
                Date uncertain - diagram regularly producing 25/26 locos  
15/12/1976 2L42 1320 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59 DMU replacement with loco hauled stock Derby Sulzers
                Date uncertain - diagram regularly producing 25/26 locos  
31/12/1976 1G33 0804 Perth Edinburgh Bathgate Jnct. Edinburgh 8 DMU failed (fire): Front coach detached and used for service, arriving Edinburgh 100 minutes late Derby Sulzers
07/01/1977   0752 Oban Glasgow Queen St. Oban Glasgow Queen St. 101   RM7704
07/01/1977   1255 Glasgow Queen St. Oban Glasgow Queen St. Oban 101   RM7704
29/06/1977 2T25 1138 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83 D/H 27017 o (Phil Weaver)
17/09/1977   ? Glasgow Queen St. Dundee ? Glasgow Queen St. Dundee     David Christie (p)
                Photographed north of Dunblane  
29/04/1978 2T37 1538 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   o (Phil Weaver)
06/05/1978   0930 Aberdeen Mount Florida Aberdeen Mount Florida 166 D/H 25087: FOOTEX outward leg Derby Sulzers
09/12/1978   0705 Perth Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh 57 D/H 25227 o (Phil Weaver)
15/01/1979 2T46 1733 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   o (Dick Holland)
27/01/1979 2T17 0938 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   RailGenArchive
26/03/1979   1444 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   Brian Aston (p)
                Photograph taken at 1420 - train assumed Photograph
31/03/1979 1B15 1804 Glasgow Queen St. Oban Glasgow Queen St. Oban 101   o (Phil Weaver)
15/09/1979 2L31 0844 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   RailGenArchive
16/09/1979   2206 Perth Glasgow Queen St. Perth Glasgow Queen St. 63   RailGenArchive (p)
27/10/1979   ? Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   o (Brian Daniels)
29/10/1979 1A51 1650 Edinburgh Aberdeen Perth ? Aberdeen   D/H 47435 o (Dean Tabor)
                Seen arriving on train at Dundee  
27/11/1979   1100 Glasgow Queen St. Edinburgh ? Edinburgh   47710 failed and dragged RM8002
02/08/1980 1S79 2315 Kings Cross Aberdeen edinburgh Aberdeen 130 D/H 25037 Iain Smith (p)
13/08/1980   1743 Glasgow Central Ayr Glasgow Central Ayr 41   Derby Sulzers
13/08/1980   1922 Ayr Glasgow Central Ayr Glasgow Central 41   Derby Sulzers
15/08/1980 1A55 1725 Glasgow Central Stranraer Harbour Glasgow Central Stranraer Harbour 101   Derby Sulzers
15/09/1980   ? Stranraer Harbour Glasgow Central Stranraer Harbour Glasgow Central 101 DMU failure RM8101
27/09/1980   ? Liverpool Dufftown Edinburgh Dufftown 261 D/H 25244: "Grampian No.2" (LCGB) RTR: out and back to Inverness Six Bells Junction
15/04/1981 2A33 1244 Inverness Aberdeen Inverness Aberdeen 108   RailGenArchive
24/10/1981 2L28 0825 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59    
24/10/1981 2G42 1025 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   DIAG
24/10/1981 2L44 1425 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   o
24/10/1981 2G84 1625 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   o
24/10/1981 2L58 1925 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   o
24/10/1981 2G32 2120 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59    
29/10/1981 1G47 1105 Perth Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh 57   Alan Baylis
29/10/1981 1P10 1251 Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh Perth 57   Alan Baylis
29/10/1981 2A50 1712 Perth Arbroath Perth Arbroath 38   o (Ken Joy)
29/10/1981 2L55 1833 Arbroath Dundee Arbroath Dundee 17   o (Ken Joy)
31/10/1981   ? Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59    
06/11/1981 1S81 2045 Carlisle Perth Mossend Yard Perth 59   o (Colin Williams)
14/11/1981 1S81 2049 Carlisle Perth Mossend Yard Perth 59   Alan Baylis
16/11/1981 2L46 1444 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   Alan Baylis
21/11/1981 1G47 1105 Perth Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh 57   Alan Baylis
21/11/1981 1P10 1258 Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh Perth 57   o (Jim Burton)
28/12/1981 2G38 0920 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   o (Andrew Hoskins)
28/12/1981 2L40 1225 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   o (Ken Joy)
28/12/1981 2G68 1420 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   o
29/12/1981 2L32 0920 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   Alan Baylis
29/12/1981   ? Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   Alan Baylis
30/12/1981 2L28 0825 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   Alan Baylis
30/12/1981   ? Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   Alan Baylis
02/05/1982 1E37 1837 Birmingham New St. Norwich Birmingham New St. Leicester 40 Replaced by 25051 o (Colin Williams)
07/05/1982 1O19 0755 Newcastle Poole Leeds Birmingham New St. 119   o (Clive Greatorex)/Davd Barraclough
08/05/1982 1L03 0910 Five Ways Chester Five Ways Chester 206 D/H 25138: ADEX out and back (1845 dep) o (Stephen Brown)
                Originally thought to be Four Oaks but return ran to Five Ways: Start time 0910 may refer to Four Oaks departure Photograph
03/07/1982 1J20 0740 Euston Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25097: Replaced 25218 & 25244 o
03/07/1982 2J57 1400 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25097 Great Wales Rail/Andrew Bannister (p)
31/07/1982 1L15 0857 Sheffield Llandudno Town Sheffield Huddersfield 37 Portion for 1M71 0900 York -Llandudno o (Alan Baylis)
                The return leg was 47277 Photograph
28/08/1982   ? ? Blackpool North ? Blackpool North     Mark Bartlett (p)
                Photographed at Kirkham, load 8+ Photograph
18/09/1982 1S50 0840 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115 D/H 27019?  
18/09/1982 1M89 1610 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   rm
25/09/1982 2A53 1740 Inverness Aberdeen Inverness Aberdeen 108 D/H 27003 (which worked return leg on its own) rm
14/09/1983 1E08 0915 Bangor Scarborough Bangor Chester 60 Loco failed and replaced Derby Sulzers
                Date uncertain - original records suggested around 19th but this photograph 'may' be of actual train before failure Photograph
03/12/1983   ? Carlisle Leeds Carlisle Leeds 113 D/H 25044: FOOTEX return leg only: 31183 & 31184 worked the outward leg T2 mag/Fred Lowe
15/12/1983 1F27 2144 Preston Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38 Portion off 1M40 1820 Glasgow - Manchester  
13/05/1984 1T05 0715 Euston Holyhead Northampton Coventry 30 D/H 25207: Dragging 86218 - power off for engineering work: CHARTER (LNER Soc) train Leighton Logs (p)
24/08/1984 1M22 1620 Glasgow Central Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38   Class 25 Action 84
19/10/1984 1E33 1635 Carlisle Hull Garsdale Leeds 62 31432 failed and dragged Class 25 Action 84
21/01/1985 1A12 0618 Blackpool North Euston Blackpool North Preston 18   Class 25 Action 85
21/01/1985 1F27 2144 Preston Liverpool Preston Euxton Jnct. 5 Failed at Euxton Junction and assisted forward to Liverpool by 47016: Portion off 1M40 1820 Glasgow - Manchester Class 25 Action 85
04/04/1985 1A51 0725 Glasgow Queen St. Aberdeen Perth Aberdeen 92 D/H 25064: 47xxx failed Class 25 Action 85
06/06/1985 1M56 1730 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115 Outward leg as well? T0985
26/06/1985 1M01 0740 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   Class 25 Action 85
28/06/1985 1M01 0740 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   Class 25 Action 85
28/06/1985 1S37 1240 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   Class 25 Action 85
29/07/1985   ? Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   David Hills
                Actual working not known - confusion with June 85 working?  
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