        Total Records 58 Total Mileage   5419  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
19/08/1967 1D30 ? Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 5204: D/H 7582 (25232) o (John Powell)
19/08/1967 1D17 ? Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 5204: D/H 7582 (25232) DIAG
08/01/1968   1455 Edinburgh Carlisle Edinburgh Carlisle   As 5204 Derby Sulzers
19/05/1973 1L05 0820 Hampstead Heath ? Llandudno Town Crewe Llandudno Town 138 As 5204: ADEX out and back Chris Totty
03/06/1973   0100 Glasgow Queen St. Oban Glasgow Queen St. Oban 101 As 5204 DIAG
03/06/1973   07xx Oban Glasgow Queen St. Oban Glasgow Queen St. 101 As 5204 RailUKforums
                First train of day  
16/06/1973 1E34 0920 Manchester Picc. Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central 91 As 5204: D/H 5247 (25097) Peter Hall
                No return working  
30/06/1973 2D53 ? ? ? Rhyl ?   As 5204 KM (p)
                Photographed at Rhyl with a westbound train - date given as 1973  
08/09/1973 1E34 0920 Manchester Picc. Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central 91 As 5204: D/H 5256 (25106) Peter Hall
08/09/1973 1M74 0928 Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central Manchester Picc. 91 As 5204: D/H 5256 (25106) DIAG
11/05/1974   0935 Cardiff Manchester Picc. Birmingham New St. ? Manchester Picc. 82 D/H 25252 o (Stephen Ford)
16/07/1974 1D04 1718 Kings Cross Cleethorpes Peterborough Lincoln West SB 60 47xxx failed and replaced: Replaced by 31314 o (Gordon Lacy)
16/07/1974 2B92 2005 Grimsby Town Peterborough Lincoln St. Marks Peterborough 60 D/H 31109: Added as a pilot loco o (Gordon Lacy)
10/08/1974 1M74 0915 Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central Manchester Picc. 91 D/H 25050 Derby Sulzers
10/08/1974 1E34 0919 Manchester Picc. Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central 91 D/H 25050 Derby Sulzers
16/06/1975   ? Leamington Spa Aberystwyth Leamington Spa Aberystwyth 304 D/H 25120: (Senior Citizens) ADEX out and back Derby Sulzers
25/08/1975 1Z86 ? Nottingham Skegness Nottingham Skegness 150 D/H 25129: RELIEF train: Out and back (1915 dep) Nick Bircham (p)
12/05/1976   0933 Manchester Vic. Llandudno Town Manchester Vic. Llandudno Town 87   o (G J Aston)/RPS
10/07/1976 1M74 0915 Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central Manchester Picc. 91 D/H 25257 Peter Hall
10/07/1976 1E34 0920 Manchester Picc. Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central 91 D/H 25257 Peter Hall
27/05/1978 1E86 0852 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25236 o (Stephen Ford)
27/05/1978 1M02 1232 Skegness Leicester Skegness Nottingham 75 D/H 25236: Replaced by 45117 Peter Hall
16/08/1979 1M75 1508 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139   o (Dick Holland)
17/08/1979 1M75 1508 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139   o (Phil Weaver)
29/09/1979   ? Lenwade Bletchley Liverpool Street Bletchley 52 "Anglian Explorer" (HRT) RTR return leg only: Replaced 47170 Six Bells Junction
                Note loco swapped on return  
06/04/1980 1Z68 ? Leicester Scarborough Leicester Scarborough 308 D/H 25222: ADEX out (?) and back (18.15 dep) o (Trevor Machell)
07/04/1980   ? Nottingham Barry Island Nottingham Barry Island 315 D/H 25222: ADEX out and back (?) o (Patrick Waters)
05/05/1980   ? Marylebone Carnforth ? ?   D/H 25071: CHARTER RailGenArchive
03/06/1980 1S22 2055 Kensington Olympia Stirling Kensington Olympia Crewe 155 D/H 25189: MOTORAIL Derby Sulzers
04/06/1980 1S22 2055 Kensington Olympia Stirling Kensington Olympia Crewe 155 D/H 25189: MOTORAIL Derby Sulzers
04/06/1980 1M62 2340 Stirling Kensington Olympia Crewe ? Kensington Olympia 155 D/H 25189: MOTORAIL Derby Sulzers
05/06/1980 1M62 2340 Stirling Kensington Olympia Crewe ? Kensington Olympia 155 D/H 25189: MOTORAIL Derby Sulzers
05/08/1980 1E82 1835 Birmingham New St. Norwich Leicester March ? 67 Replaced 31309 Andy Sales
                March is assumed  
21/09/1980   ? ? Crewe ? ? Crewe ?     o (Brian Daniels)
                Photograhed at Crewe at 18.20 Photograph
18/10/1980 1E66 1315 Birmingham New St. Norwich Birmingham New St. Norwich 174 D/H 25218 o (Steve Kemp/Jim Burton)
                Seen on train between Leicester & March  
10/05/1981 1Z25 0820 Rugby Portsmouth Harbour Rugby Willesden ? 77 D/H 25236: ADEX - and back? o
31/05/1981 1S01 1920 Kensington Olympia Inverness Kensington Olympia Willesden 2 D/H 25243 Steve Kemp
03/06/1981 1M81 2118 Perth Kensington Olympia Willesden Kensington Olympia 2 D/H 25095: MOTORAIL MRP8406 (p)
10/06/1981 1H06 0800 Euston Manchester Picc. Watford Junction Bletchley 29 86102 failed and dragged T2 mag
19/09/1981 2J57 0410 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25218 RailGenArchive/Alan Baylis
19/09/1981 1A46 1007 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25218 RailGenArchive/Alan Baylis
12/12/1981 2P64 2113 Manchester Vic. Blackpool Manchester Vic. Blackpool 48   Dave Chamberlain (p)
18/12/1981   1415 Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North 48   Alan Baylis
30/12/1981 1P05 0822 Barrow Blackpool North Barrow Blackpool North 73   Alan Baylis
05/06/1982   ? Wigan N.W. Wembley Central Bletchley Wembley Central 38 D/H 25206: 40133 failed and dragged: FOOTEX (Schoolboy International) o (Nick Ross)
                Class 40 photographed at Wigan on train  
10/08/1982 1L52 1015 Chester Llandudno Town Chester Llandudno Town 48 RELIEF train Dave Barraclough
27/08/1982 1J39 1652 Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. 100   o
06/06/1983 1P10 0950 Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North 48    
06/06/1983 2J13 1245 Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. 48 maybe?  
01/06/1984 1M22 1620 Glasgow Central Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38   o (Colin Partington)
04/06/1984 1M22 1620 Glasgow Central Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38   Class 25 Action 84
16/08/1984 1E23 1040 Carlisle Leeds Carlisle Leeds 113 D/H 25213 o
16/08/1984 1M26 1555 Leeds Carlisle Leeds Carlisle 113 D/H 25213 o
20/08/1984   ? Carlisle Kings Cross Appleby Leeds 81 D/H 25209: Sir Lamiel failed and removed: "Northern Belle" RTR Iain Reid (p)
22/08/1984 1M22 1620 Glasgow Central Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38   Simon Bailey (p)/Facebook
23/08/1984 2P35 0630 Preston Barrow Preston Barrow 56   (o) Ian Jordan
23/08/1984 1F30 0820 Barrow Liverpool Barrow Liverpool 91   Class 25 Action 84
01/02/1985 1M01 0725 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115 D/H 25044 Class 25 Action 85
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