        Total Records 61 Total Mileage   4017  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
01/09/1964 2M71 0830 Bradford Foster Sq. Morecambe Bradford Foster Sq. Morecambe 67 As 5201 o (Martin Weeks)
01/09/1964   1230 Morecambe Leeds Morecambe Leeds 69 As 5201 DIAG
                Diagram assumed from similar workings  
08/07/1965   1300 Birmingham New St. Derby Birmingham New St. Derby 41 As 5201: Loco on coaches Derby Sulzers
21/05/1966 2E92 1345 Manchester Central Sheffield Manchester Central Sheffield 42   Brian Stephenson (p)/RW6704
01/06/1966 1M51 1427 Sheffield Nottingham Sheffield Nottingham 41 As 5201 MR6811
31/05/1967 2E55 1618 Leeds Sheffield Leeds Sheffield 39 As 5201 MR
26/08/1967   0800 Leicester Clacton Leicester Clacton 167 As 5201 Ipswich Transport Society
15/03/1968   0900 Liverpool Exchange Glasgow Central Liverpool Exchange Preston 28 As 5201 o (C Foss)/RPS
21/06/1969 1D01 ? ? Llandudno Town ? Llandudno Town   As 5201: D/H 5208 (25058): RELIEF train RO6907
06/06/1970   ? Gourock York Gourock ? York   As 5201: D/H 7634 (25284): SAGA special return leg Derby Sulzers
06/02/1971 1Z97 ? Boston Wigan ? ?   As 5201: D/H 5207 (25057): FOOTEX o (Peter Fox)
                Seen at Totley Tunnel at 1955 hrs  
27/11/1972   ? Wigan N.W. Liverpool Wigan N.W. Liverpool 20 As 5201 o (B Price)/RPS
02/12/1972   ? Southport St. Pancras Southport St. Pancras   As 5201: D/H 5210 (25060): CHARTER train - outward leg only RM7302
08/12/1972   1715 Derby Nottingham Derby Nottingham 16 As 5201: Loco on coaching stock RM7304
28/07/1973 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Norwich 185 As 5201: D/H 5241 (25091) o (Gerald Brown)
28/07/1973 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 As 5201: D/H 5241 (25091) o (Gordon Lacy)
06/07/1974 1M74 0915 Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central Manchester Picc. 91 D/H 25049 DIAG
06/07/1974 1E34 0919 Manchester Picc. Yarmouth Manchester Picc. Lincoln Central 91 D/H 25049: Replaced by 31150 Martin Bray
06/08/1977 1E86 0852 Leicester Skegness Leicester Nottingham 27 D/H 25053: Replaced by 25090 and 25267 o (Jim Burton)
06/08/1977 1M02 1235 Skegness Leicester Nottingham Leicester 27 D/H 25053: Replaced 25090 and 25267 Peter Hall / John Wolley (p)
20/08/1977 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Norwich 185 D/H 25067 RailGenArchive
20/08/1977 1M66 1415 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25067 o (Tony Wardle)
11/08/1979   ? Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. 48 RELIEF train  
                Recorded as August 79 so could be 4th, 11th, 18th or 25th  
16/09/1979   0918 Euston Rugby Bletchley Rugby 38 Dragging EMU (310xxx) - power off for engineering works: Routed via main line Nick Bircham
16/09/1979 2A24 1138 Rugby Euston Rugby Bletchley 38 Dragging EMU (310058) - power off for engineering works: Routed via main line Last Years Class 25s (p)
21/06/1980 1E91 0802 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Norwich 185 D/H 25071 o (Steve Kemp)
21/06/1980 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 D/H 25071 o (Steve Kemp)
13/09/1980 1J24 1010 Euston Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25242 Aber Trains 80
13/09/1980 2J57 1610 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25242 Aber Trains 80
27/04/1981 1E82 1835 Birmingham New St. Norwich Birmingham New St. Washwood Heath 3 Loco failed and replaced by 31179 o
28/04/1981 1E66 1315 Birmingham New St. Norwich Leicester ?   31xxx failed and replaced gm
14/06/1981   ? Wellingborough Aberystwyth Wellingborough Aberystwyth 382 D/H 25182: MYSTEX RCTS/Alan Baylis
                RCTS say 16th and out and return assumed  
13/08/1981 1E63 1135 Poole Newcastle Fenny Compton Birmingham New St. 40 47xxx failed and dragged Alan Baylis
                Notes say 1015? P - N so may be earlier train  
09/09/1981   ? Kensington Olympia ? Kensington Olympia Willesden 2 D/H 25288: MOTORAIL Looking back at Sulzer Locomotives (p)
                Photographed running round train  
20/09/1981 1A22 0215 Euston Hemel Hempstead Euston Hemel Hempstead 24   Alan Baylis
                Unadvertised service  
24/09/1981   ? Kensington Olympia ? Kensington Olympia Willesden 2 D/H 25178: MOTORAIL Alan Baylis
                Various MOTORRAIL services  
27/10/1981 1E62 0805 Birmingham New St. Norwich Birmingham New St. ?     Alan Baylis
29/12/1981   0830 Southport Bridgnorth Birmingham New St. Kidderminster 38 D/H 25058: "Severnsider" (LCGB) RTR - out and back: Replaced by 43106 & 46521 (Steam) o (Gareth Aspden)
10/01/1982   1600 Manchester Vic. Newcastle Manchester Vic. Newcastle 148 D/H 25152: RELIEF train o
                Maybe 1615 departure time?  
22/02/1982 1E82 1815 Birmingham New St. Norwich Birmingham New St. March 106   o
02/05/1982 1E37 1837 Birmingham New St. Norwich Leicester Norwich 134 Replaced 25072 o
11/06/1982 1J31 1926 Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. 100 40168 failed and replaced RailGenArchive
24/07/1982 2J57 0738 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25060 o (David Williams)
24/07/1982 1A46 1007 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25060  (David Williams)/David Flitcroft (p)
08/01/1983 1E62 0804 Birmingham New St. Norwich Leicester Peterborough 52 D/H 31217 - loco failure (no heat): 31163 forward o (John Wood)
06/03/1983 1V61 2355 Glasgow Central Bristol Temple Meads Stafford Birmingham New St. 36 D/H 47432: Diverted via Cannock due to engineering works o (Alan Baylis)
21/05/1983 2E72 ? Carlisle Newcastle Carlisle Newcastle 62 DMU failure RailUKforums
02/07/1983 1M21 0830 Glasgow Central Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18   Alan Baylis
02/07/1983   ? Liverpool Blackpool North Liverpool Blackpool North 53 Note no booked service so maybe misquote? T2 mag
06/07/1983 1F27 2144 Preston Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38 Portion off 1M40 1820 Glasgow - Manchester Alan Baylis
01/10/1983 1Z98 0745 Edinburgh Sheffield Carlisle Newcastle 62 D/H 25239: "The Burntisland Bellower" RTR return leg: Replaced 20149 & 20202: 31291 & 31327 forward o (Michael Naylor)
29/07/1984 1F90 0700 Euston Liverpool Bletchley Rugby 38 Dragging 85017 - power off for engineering work o (Nick Ross)
16/02/1985 1P70 1440 Euston Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18   Class 25 Action 85
18/05/1985 1G82 1340 Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Shrewsbury Wolverhampton 30 D/H 25276: Train extended from Shrewsbury (1600 dep) because of late running o (David Williams)
05/06/1985   1740 Liverpool Newton-le-Willows Liverpool Newton-le-Willows 15 DMU failure: Loco on coaching stock o (Jonny Littlewood)
05/06/1985   1820 Newton-le-Willows Liverpool Newton-le-Willows Liverpool 15 DMU failure: Loco on coaching stock o (Jonny Littlewood)
11/07/1985   1545 Carlisle Newcastle Carlisle Newcastle 62 DMU failure Class 25 Action 85
15/07/1985 1A26 0725 Barrow Euston Barrow Lancaster 35 D/H 47447 Class 25 Action 85
16/07/1985 1P38 1645 Euston Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18   Class 25 Action 85
19/07/1985 1M58 0820 Newcastle Llandudno Town Chester Llandudno Town 48 47319 failed Class 25 Action 85
30/08/1985 1M72 1605 Leeds Carlisle Leeds Carlisle 113   Class 25 Action 85
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