        Total Records 145 Total Mileage   10865  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
05/08/1967 1D30 ? Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 5187: D/H 7595 (25245) o (John Powell)
05/08/1967 1D17 ? Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 5187: D/H 7595 (25245) DIAG
29/11/1967 2C88 0754 Harpenden Moorgate Harpenden Moorgate 27 As 5187 John Tyler/Leighton Logs
06/07/1968 1D30 ? Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 5187: D/H 7518 (25168) o (John Powell)
06/07/1968 1D17 ? Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 5187: D/H 7518 (25168) DIAG
20/07/1968 1D30 ? Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town 136 As 5187: D/H 5292 (25142) o (John Powell)
20/07/1968 1D17 ? Llandudno Town Nottingham Llandudno Town Nottingham 136 As 5187: D/H 5292 (25142) DIAG
30/12/1968   0920 Carlisle Edinburgh Carlisle Edinburgh   As 5187: Is via the Waverley route Derby Sulzers
31/12/1968   0706 Edinburgh Carlisle Edinburgh Carlisle   As 5187: Is via the Waverley route Derby Sulzers
31/12/1968   1300 Carlisle Edinburgh Carlisle Edinburgh   As 5187: Is via the Waverley route Derby Sulzers
21/08/1970   ? Stirling Newton Abbot Stirling Carlisle ? 118 As 5187: D/H 5297 (25147): MOTORAIL Derby Sulzers
28/09/1970   ? Stirling Newton Abbot Stirling Carlisle ? 118 As 5187: D/H 5193 (25043): MOTORAIL RM7012
15/09/1973 1M02 1230 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 As 5187: D/H 5186 (25036) o (Gordon Lacy)
15/09/1973   ? Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 As 5187: D/H 5186 (25036) DIAG
28/10/1973   2043 Birmingham New St. Peterborough Birmingham New St. Peterborough 92 As 5187 o (Stephen Ford)
01/01/1974   ? ? ? ? ?   As 5187: D/H 5188 (25038): ADEX o (Stephen Ford)
                Seen on train between Derby and Birmingham  
18/01/1974 1E05 0635 Birmingham New St. Leeds Birmingham New St. Leeds 119 As 5187 RM7404
18/01/1974 1M70 1235 Leeds Birmingham New St. Leeds Birmingham New St. 119 As 5187 RM7404
17/03/1974   2043 Birmingham New St. Peterborough Birmingham New St. Peterborough 92 As 5187 o (Stephen Ford)
17/03/1974   2130 Leicester Birmingham New St. Leicester Birmingham New St. 40 As 5187 o (Stephen Ford)
12/03/1975   0643 Peterborough Kings Cross Peterborough ? Kings Cross 76 D/H 31185 Derby Sulzers
24/03/1975   ? Cardiff Taunton Cardiff Taunton 84   Last Years Class 25s (p)
                Date given as March 75  
04/04/1975 1P22 1726 St. Pancras Derby St. Pancras Derby 128 D/H 25285 Derby Sulzers
06/09/1975 1E86 0852 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25272 o (Gordon Lacy)
06/09/1975 1M02 1230 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25272 DIAG
13/02/1976   0710 Derby Matlock Derby Matlock 17   DIAG
                Dep time is estimated  
13/02/1976   0800 Matlock Derby Matlock Derby 17   o (Steve Thorpe)
18/02/1976 1E32 0745 Cardiff Newcastle ? Newcastle   D/H 25239:  Locos returned on a parcels working Derby Sulzers
27/03/1976   ? ? ? ? ?     Alan Baylis
                Seen at B'ham NS on a passenger train, morning  
29/05/1976 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25218 DIAG
29/05/1976 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25218 o (Gordon Lacy)
29/05/1976 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25218 DIAG
29/05/1976 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25218 DIAG
17/07/1976 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Norwich 185 D/H 25130 Peter Hall
17/07/1976 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 D/H 25130 DIAG
24/07/1976 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Norwich Yarmouth 18 D/H 25130 DIAG
24/07/1976 1E83 0812 Derby Yarmouth Derby Norwich 149 D/H 25130 Peter Hall
24/07/1976 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Yarmouth Norwich 18 D/H 25130 DIAG
24/07/1976 1M66 1430 Yarmouth Walsall Norwich Walsall 185 D/H 25130 o (Phil Weaver)
14/08/1976 1E91 0800 Walsall Yarmouth Walsall Norwich 185 D/H 25044 Peter Hall
14/08/1976 1M37 1415 Yarmouth Derby Norwich Derby 149 D/H 25044 DIAG
29/08/1976   ? Burton on Trent Yarmouth Burton on Trent Yarmouth 354 D/H 25075: ADEX - out and back o (Nick Graham/Peter Lovell)
                Seen at Brandon on outward leg and at Long Eaton at 2150 on return  
04/03/1977   ? Glasgow Queen St. Oban Glasgow Queen St. Oban 101   Derby Sulzers
05/03/1977   14xx Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   o (B Price)/RPS
                Departed Larbert at 1445  
09/03/1977   1810 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   Derby Sulzers
05/07/1977 2T25 1138 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   o (Phil Weaver)
09/05/1978   1605 Nottingham Glasgow Central Leeds ? Carlisle ? 113 Train seen north of Leeds on S&C RM7808/Looking back at Sulzer Locomotives (p)
27/06/1978 2L35 1044 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   o (Phil Weaver)
11/08/1978   ? Glasgow Queen St. Oban Glasgow Queen St. Oban 101   o (Tim Proudman)
                Evening departure  
08/09/1978 2T11 0738 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   o (Nick Bircham)
14/09/1978 2T17 0938 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   RailGenArchive
16/03/1979 2L35 1044 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   o
27/03/1979   ? Perth ? Perth ?     o (Alan Lea)
                Photographed at Perth in platform of 10.14 Motherwell  
08/12/1979 1T43 12xx Birmingham New St. Nottingham Birmingham New St. Nottingham 114 D/H 25027: FOOTEX out and back RO March 80
26/01/1980   ? ? Edinburgh ? Edinburgh     o (Colin Williams)
                Early morning move from Haymarket  
05/04/1980 1D50 1014 Perth Motherwell Perth Motherwell 62 D/H 40167 RailGenArchive
05/07/1980 1E28 0810 Glasgow Queen St. Scarborough Glasgow Queen St. Edinburgh 47 Replaced by 37081 SO80
17/07/1980 2G10 0555 Stirling Edinburgh Stirling Edinburgh 36   RailGenArchive
28/07/1980 1T55 1758 Inverness Glasgow Queen St. Inverness Glasgow Queen St. 181 D/H 25064 RailGenArchive
29/07/1980 2G10 0555 Stirling Edinburgh Stirling Edinburgh 36 Portion off 1T04 2352 Inverness - Glasgow o (Mike Hodge)
30/07/1980 1O49 1710 Glasgow Queen St. Edinburgh Glasgow Queen St. Edinburgh 47   RailGenArchive
02/08/1980 1S79 2315 Kings Cross Aberdeen Edinburgh Aberdeen 130 D/H 25072 Iain Smith (p)
10/09/1980 1G64 1340 Aberdeen Edinburgh Aberdeen Edinburgh 130   Antony Guppy (p)
                Photograhed at Wormit Photograph
13/09/1980 1G64 1240 Aberdeen Edinburgh Aberdeen Edinburgh 130   o (Jim Burton/Malcolm Dyer)
21/09/1980 1S15 2125 Dover Western Docks Stirling Mossend Yard Stirling 26 D/H 26011: MOTORAIL RailGenArchive
31/01/1981 1D50 1014 Perth Motherwell Perth Motherwell 62   o
06/02/1981   1620 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   o (Andrew Hoskins)
24/04/1981 2L57 1844 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Perth Dundee 21 40083 removed to work overnight train o
09/05/1981 2A50 1712 Perth Arbroath Perth Arbroath 38   o (Ken Joy)
09/05/1981 2L55 1833 Arbroath Dundee Arbroath Dundee 17   o (Ken Joy)
01/06/1981 2P05 0810 Dundee Perth Dundee Perth 21   o (Andrew Hoskins)
01/06/1981 1G47 1105 Perth Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh 57   o
02/06/1981 2P05 0810 Dundee Perth Dundee Perth 21   o (Andrew Hoskins)
02/06/1981 1G47 1105 Perth Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh 57   DIAG
13/07/1981   ? Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   Alan Baylis
                Notes say it worked sometime between 13/7 and 21/7  
16/07/1981 2A50 1712 Perth Arbroath Perth Arbroath 38   o (Ken Joy)
16/07/1981 2L55 1833 Arbroath Dundee Arbroath Dundee 17   o (Ken Joy)
28/08/1981 2G10 0555 Stirling Edinburgh Stirling Edinburgh 36   Alan Baylis
26/09/1981   1955 Edinburgh Taunton Edinburgh Carstairs 28 D/H 25064: ADEX return leg Six Bells Junction
17/10/1981 1G47 1105 Perth Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh 57   Alan Baylis
17/10/1981 1P10 1251 Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh Perth 57   DIAG
17/10/1981 2A50 1712 Perth Arbroath Perth Arbroath 38   o (Ken Joy)
17/10/1981 2L55 1833 Arbroath Dundee Arbroath Dundee 17   o (Ken Joy)
18/10/1981 2L20 1405 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   o (Malcolm Dyer)
19/10/1981 2L34 1025 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   o (Jim Burton)
26/10/1981 1B08 0806 Glasgow Queen St. Oban Cowlairs Banker   2   o (John Wood)
02/11/1981   ? Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   Alan Baylis
                Notes say during week 2/11 to 6/11  
02/11/1981   ? Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   Alan Baylis
                Notes say during week 2/11 to 6/11 - may be as well or instead of other wkng  
07/11/1981 2L42 1325 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   o (Steve Kemp)
07/11/1981 2G84 1620 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   o (Steve Kemp)
12/11/1981 2T31 1339 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   Steve Kemp/T0398p
12/11/1981 2L54 1724 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   o
12/11/1981 2G16 1925 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   DIAG
14/11/1981 2G75 1520 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   o (Jim Burton)
15/11/1981 2L34 1110 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 61 Retimed from 1131 and diverted via Dunfermline RailGenArchive
16/11/1981 2G03 1720 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   Alan Baylis
                Notes say Sun 16th (but that is 15th) but this working also shown Mon 16  
19/11/1981 2L58 1925 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   Alan Baylis
06/02/1982 2L44 1425 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   RCTS
05/03/1982 1D50 1014 Perth Motherwell Perth Motherwell 62 D/H 25224 Alan Baylis
06/03/1982 1D50 1014 Perth Motherwell Perth Gleneagles 16 D/H 25224: Locos failed and pushed by 260xx to Stirling with 474xx forward T2 mag
08/04/1982 2A27 1038 Inverness Aberdeen Inverness Aberdeen 108   RM8207
10/04/1982 2L40 1225 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   o (Steve Kemp)
11/04/1982 1P04 2305 Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh Perth 57 Portion for 1N05 2330 Glasgow - Inverness  
12/04/1982 2N08 0711 Elgin Inverness Elgin Invwerness 37   o (Roddy MacPhee)
12/04/1982 2A50 1715 Perth Arbroath Perth Arbroath 38   David Barraclough
12/04/1982 2L55 1900 Arbroath Dundee Arbroath Dundee 17   David Barraclough
20/04/1982 2L57 1844 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83    
28/04/1982   ? Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59 DMU failure  
03/05/1982 2T46 1733 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   o (Matthew Wilson)
12/05/1982 1G47 1105 Perth Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh 57   Dave Rendall (p)
14/05/1982 2G49 1120 Dundee Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh 59   MikeMacdonald (p)
14/05/1982 2L44 1425 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59   o (James Small)
30/05/1982 2A37 1500 Glasgow Central Stranraer Harbour Glasgow Central Stranraer Harbour 101   o
03/06/1982 2A15 0835 Glasgow Central Stranraer Harbour Glasgow Central Stranraer Harbour 101    
05/06/1982   1315 Stranraer Harbour Euston Stranrear Harbour       Steve Epton (p - Facebook)
02/08/1982 2L28 0817 Edinburgh Dundee Edinburgh Dundee 59 Only worked this leg of diagram Dave Barraclough
28/08/1982   1438 Carlisle Ayr Carlisle Ayr 106 RELIEF train  
19/09/1982 1A11 0840 Manchester Picc. Euston Manchester Picc. Stafford 44 D/H 25044: Dragging 86252 power off for engineering works o (Steve Kemp)
19/09/1982 1H30 1000 Euston Manchester Picc. Stafford Manchester Picc. 44 D/H 25044: Dragging 87035 power off for engineering works Dreadful
19/09/1982 1A26 1447 Manchester Picc. Euston Manchester Picc. Stafford 44 D/H 25044  
19/09/1982 1S18 2215 Euston Glasgow Central Crewe Preston 51 D/H 25044: (Sat evening departure/Sunday working)  
26/08/1983 2E55 1758 Nottingham Sheffield Nottingham Sheffield 40 DMU failure  
26/05/1984 2J61 0744 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25315 o (David Williams)
26/05/1984 1A46 1010 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25315 o (David Williams)
09/06/1984 1J24 1010 Euston Shrewsbury Wolverhampton Shrewsbury 30 D/H 25195: Replaced 86244 Steve Jones (p)
21/07/1984 1J20 0735 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25048 o (David Williams)
21/07/1984 2J84 1400 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25048 o (David Williams)
25/08/1984 1J20 0735 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25230 o (David Williams)
25/08/1984 2J84 1400 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25230 o (David Williams)
10/05/1985 1F27 2142 Preston Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38 Portion off 1M40 1815 Glasgow - Manchester Tony DK
12/07/1985 1V06 1417 Bangor Cardiff Hereford Cardiff 55 33012 failed and dragged Derby Sulzers/Carl Brunnock (p)
05/10/1985 1Z39 0600 Kidderminster Tenby Kidderminster Cardiff 327 D/H 25059: 'Welsh Borderer' CHARTER train out and back to Cardiff o (p)
14/01/1986 1J31 1910 Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor Chester 60 D/H 47533  
12/02/1986 1D48 1100 Euston Holyhead Prestatyn Holyhead 58 47543 failed and dragged  
25/03/1986 1H00 0045 Crewe Manchester Picc. Crewe Manchester Picc. 31    
25/04/1986 1M76 1640 Norwich Birmingham New St. Leicester Birmingham New St. 40 31407 failed o (Colin Williams)/RE8607
                RE have wrong date  
21/05/1986 1J33 1540 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Shrewsbury 30    
22/05/1986   ? Shrewsbury Central Wales service Shrewsbury ?   DMU failure: Check train?  
10/06/1986 1M01 0740 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115    
10/06/1986 1S65 1055 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   RailUKforums
10/06/1986 1M89 1545 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115    
14/07/1986 1M40 1820 Glasgow Central Manchester Vic. Preston Manchester Vic. 31    
24/08/1986 1Z37 0345 Paddington Pwllheli Wolverhampton Pwllheli 296 D/H 25201: "The Snowdonian 2" RTR out and back o (Mike Hodge)
25/08/1986   ? Manchester Vic. Liverpool Manchester Vic. Liverpool 32 D/H 25201: FOOTEX out and back  
13/10/1986 2E48 1852 Carlisle Sunderland Carlisle Newcastle 62 DMU failure: Train terminated at Newcastle and 25037 returned light engine Derby Sulzers
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