        Total Records 64 Total Mileage   6017  
Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Link
01/07/1967   0800 Leicester Clacton Leicester Clacton 167 As 5184 Ipswich Transport Society
18/10/1969 1Z71 ? Luton Brighton Luton Brighton   As 5184: D/H 5183 (25033): FOOTEX out and back Derby Sulzers
26/02/1972   ? Euston Liverpool Euston Liverpool 387 As 5184: D/H 7528 (25178): FOOTEX out and back(?) T0805
16/03/1974   0810 Birmingham New St. Cardiff Birmingham New St. Cardiff 111 D/H 25290 o
31/08/1974 1E17 0718 Sheffield Skegness Sheffield Skegness 115   o (Stephen Ford)
10/07/1975   2245 Carstairs Edinburgh Carstairs Edinburgh 29   o (Stephen Ford)
25/07/1977 1S19 2110 Bristol Temple Meads Edinburgh Carstairs Edinburgh 29   o (Nick Bircham)
12/10/1977 1B11 1255 Glasgow Queen St. Oban Glasgow Queen St. Oban 101   o (Gordon Lacy)
17/10/1977 1C96 2140 Edinburgh Carstairs Edinburgh Carstairs 29   o (Tony Wardle)
20/10/1977   0705 Perth Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh 57   o (Tony Wardle)
17/12/1977 2T08 0650 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   o (Phil Weaver)
22/07/1978   ? ? ? ? Aberdeen     Martin Bray
                Photographed at Aberdeen on passenger train - not clear whether terminating or starting  
30/08/1978 2T08 0657 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   o (Tony Wardle)
30/08/1978 2L35 1044 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   o (Tony Wardle)
30/08/1978   1654 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   o (Tony Wardle)
30/08/1978 2T52 1934 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   o (Tony Wardle)
30/08/1978   ? Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   DIAG
27/01/1979   1735 Glasgow Queen St. Aberdeen Glasgow Queen St. Aberdeen 155 D/H 27034 RailGenArchive
16/02/1979   2215 Euston Glasgow Central Dumfries Glasgow Central 82 47185 failed: 25078 added to train at Kilmarnock Derby Sulzers
12/05/1979   0834 Falkirk Grahamston Fraserburgh Aberdeen Fraserburgh 95 D/H 25035: "The Buchan Line" RTR (SRPS) out and back: Replaced and replaced by 40061 Derby Sulzers
04/09/1979   2245 Carstairs Edinburgh Carstairs Edinburgh 29   o (Dave Spencer)
11/09/1979 1C96 2140 Edinburgh Carstairs Edinburgh Carstairs 28   o (Malcolm Dyer)
21/10/1979 2L61 2035 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83   o
25/10/1979 1N21 0950 Edinburgh Inverness Edinburgh Inverness 175 D/H 25013 o (Dean Tabor)
29/10/1979 2L35 1044 Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee 83 D/H 27108 DIAG
29/10/1979 2T31 1338 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83 D/H 27108 o (Dean Tabor)
08/12/1979 2T31 1339 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   RailGenArchive
11/03/1980 1C96 2140 Edinburgh Carstairs Edinburgh Carstairs 29   o (Jim Burton)
07/04/1980 1C89 1715 Dundee Perth Dundee Perth 21 This is 1543 Aberdeen - Carstairs but only conveys passengers between Dundee and Perth RailGenArchive
20/05/1980   1749 Edinburgh Perth Edinburgh Perth 57 DMU replacement with loco hauled stock o (Steve Kemp)
08/10/1980 1O08 0740 Edinburgh Glasgow Queen St. Edinburgh Glasgow Queen St. 47   RailGenArchive
08/10/1980 1O49 1710 Glasgow Queen St. Edinburgh Glasgow Queen St. Edinburgh 47   RailGenArchive
08/12/1980 2T31 1339 Dundee Glasgow Queen St. Dundee Glasgow Queen St. 83   RailGenArchive
03/08/1981 1J33 1740 Euston Shrewsbury Wolverhampton Shrewsbury 30   Alan Baylis
                Notes say worked sometime in early Aug  
09/12/1981 1T02 0420 Mossend Yard Glasgow Queen St. Mossend Yard Cowlairs E Jnct. 12 Portion off 2150 Euston - Inverness: 37025 forward o (Paul Steane)
29/12/1981 1J14 0720 Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. 48   Pip Dunn
06/01/1982 1D34 0745 Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor 100    
                And return working  
10/02/1982 1E82 1815 Birmingham New St. Norwich Birmingham New St. Norwich 174   o (Colin Williams)
                Or Peterborough?  
20/03/1982   ? Edinburgh Stafford Crewe Stafford 24 D/H 25234: ADEX via Stoke  
22/05/1982 1D35 0945 Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor 100   John Stephens
22/05/1982 1J22 1358 Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. 100   o (Peter Scott)
22/05/1982 1D65 1745 Manchester Vic. Llandudno Jnct. Manchester Vic. Llandudno Jnct. 84    
10/06/1982   ? Wigan N.W. Liverpool Wigan N.W. Liverpool 20 DMU failure  
29/12/1982 1J14 0720 Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. 48   o (Gareth Aspden)
03/01/1983 1V03 0801 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139    
04/01/1983 1M68 0535 Cardiff Crewe Cardiff Crewe 139   o (John Wood)
24/06/1984 1V11 1335 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139   RE0984/Carl Brunnock (p)
15/09/1984 1J20 0735 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25058 o (David Williams)
15/09/1984 2J84 1400 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25058 o (David Williams)
12/10/1984 1J31 1930 Bangor Manchester Vic. Bangor Manchester Vic. 100   Class 25 Action 84
16/11/1984 1Z09 2130 St. Pancras Inverness St. Pancras Derby 128 D/H 25057: "Grampian Highlander" (RESL) RTR o (Colin Williams)
25/01/1985 1Z40 2000 St. Pancras Plymouth St. Pancras Leicester 99 D/H 25192 and 31154: "The Cornishman" (RESL) RTR: 25192 failed at Luton and dragged: 31154 assisted from Bedford Class 25 Action 85
26/01/1985 1Z40 0408 Plymouth St. Pancras Leicester St. Pancras 99 D/H 25237: "The Cornishman" (RESL) RTR Class 25 Action 85
23/02/1985 1Z26 0730 St. Pancras Nottingham St. Pancras Stafford 408 D/H 25044: "The North Midlander" (RESL) RTR - outward To Stafford and return from Nottingham Leighton Logs (p)
09/03/1985 1Z42 1436 Southport Plymouth Southport Birmingham New St. 114 D/H 25224: "Lancashire Lynx" (F&W) RTR Leighton Logs (p)
17/05/1985 1F27 2142 Preston Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38 Portion off 1M40 1815 Glasgow - Manchester o (Alan Evans)
21/09/1985 1Z43 0512 Bolton Swansea Bolton Swansea 517 D/H 25175: "Landore Lodger/Swindon Ambassador" (Traintours) RTR Martin Brown (p)
28/09/1985 1L32 ? Nelson Carlisle Upperby Jnct. Carlisle 1 D/H 25181: "Marsden Special" (Barrowford Scouts): Replaced and replaced by 4498 (Steam) o (Harry Harper)
14/02/1986 1V73 0730 Aberdeen Penzance Preston Crewe 67 Broken rail at Warrington: Dragging 85004 via Manchester Vic: D/H 85004 from Stockport o (Derby Sulzers)
30/05/1986 1S50 0655 Preston Glasgow Central Dumfries Glasgow Central 82 Loco failure  
30/05/1986 1M03 1345 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   o
25/07/1986 2J61 0630 Wolverhampton Shrewsbury Wolverhampton Shrewsbury 30    
25/07/1986 1V03 0710 Manchester Picc. Cardiff Prees Cardiff 120 Loco failure  
19/10/1986 1O11 0935 Edinburgh Poole Edinburgh Glasgow Central 47    
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