          Total Records 90 Total Mileage   7682  
Loco Date H/C Time Train_From Train_To From To Miles Comment / Concerns Source / Web Page
25316 04 May 1Z11 1015 Marylebone Edinburgh Marylebone Toton 184 D/H 25321: "Anglo-Scottish Freighter" (DAA) RTR o (Colin Williams)
25321 04 May 1Z11 1015 Marylebone Edinburgh Marylebone Toton 184 D/H 25316: "Anglo-Scottish Freighter" (DAA) RTR o (Colin Williams)
25044 06 May 1A38 1558 Blackpool North Euston Blackpool North Preston 18   Class 25 Action 84
25154 06 May 1T07 1830 Aberystwyth Euston Shrewsbury Wolverhampton 30 D/H 25283: CHARTER (LNER Soc) train: Loco replaced 25276 at Abbey Foregate Junction o (Colin Williams)
25236 06 May 1P06 0927 Birmingham New St. Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18   Class 25 Action 84
25236 06 May 1A32 1514 Blackpool North Euston Blackpool North Preston 18   Class 25 Action 84
25276 06 May 1T07 0730 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 192 D/H 25283: CHARTER (LNER Soc) train out and back (1830 dep) to Shrewsbury Abbey Foregate Junction where replaced by 25154: Replaced 85029 o (Mike Hodge)/Steven Clements (p)
25283 06 May 1T07 0730 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 222 D/H 25276: CHARTER (LNER Soc) train out and back (1830 dep) to Shrewsbury Abbey Foregate Junction then D/H 25154 to Wolverhampton: Replaced 85029 o (Mike Hodge)/Steven Clements (p)
25302 06 May   1200 Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18 DMU failure Class 25 Action 84
25042 07 May 1E85 0848 Burton on Trent Skegness Burton on Trent Skegness 101 D/H 25080 Barry Adams (p)
25042 07 May 1M22 1900 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25080 o (Colin Williams)
25080 07 May 1E85 0848 Burton on Trent Skegness Burton on Trent Skegness 101 D/H 25042 Barry Adams (p)
25080 07 May 1M22 1900 Skegness Leicester Skegness Leicester 102 D/H 25042 o (Colin Williams)
25154 07 May 1Z38 0630 Swindon Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25209: RTR (Wessex) - out and back (1705 dep): Note ran as 1055 Shrewsbury - Aberystwyth o (Brian Daniels)
25154 07 May   1705 Aberystwyth Swindon Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. 124 D/H 25209: RTR (Wessex) - out and back: Note ran as 1705 Aberystwyth - Shrewsbury service train o (John Wood)
25209 07 May 1Z38 0630 Swindon Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. Aberystwyth 124 D/H 25154: RTR (Wessex) - out and back (1705 dep): Note ran as 1055 Shrewsbury - Aberystwyth o (Brian Daniels)
25209 07 May   1705 Aberystwyth Swindon Aberystwyth Birmingham New St. 124 D/H 25154: RTR (Wessex) - out and back: Note ran as 1705 Aberystwyth - Shrewsbury service train o (John Wood)
25265 07 May 1T08 0730 Stratford on Avon Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 222 D/H 25283: ADEX out and back (dep 1755): Replaced 45117 and replaced by 37173 o (David Williams)
25283 07 May 1T08 0730 Stratford on Avon Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 222 D/H 25265: ADEX out and back (dep 1755): Replaced 45117 and replaced by 37173 o (David Williams)
25194 10 May 1A64 1550 Liverpool Euston Nuneaton Euston 97 D/H 31201: Dragging 86216 which had failed: Locos replaced 25278 which had rescued train o (Colin Williams)
25278 10 May 1A64 1550 Liverpool Euston Lichfield City Nuneaton 19 86216 failed and dragged: Loco replaced at Nuneaton by 25194 & 31201 o (Colin Williams)
25109 11 May   1100 Huddersfield Leeds Deighton Leeds 16 DMU failure Class 25 Action 84
25325 11 May 1P10 0950 Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North 48 47422 failed Class 25 Action 84
25325 11 May 2J13 1245 Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Manchester Vic. 48   Class 25 Action 84
25058 12 May   ? Oldham Llandudno Town Oldham Llandudno Town 190 D/H 25209: ADEX out and back Class 25 Action 84
25064 12 May 2P35 0630 Preston Barrow Preston Barrow 56   Class 25 Action 84/RE0884
25064 12 May 1F30 0822 Barrow Liverpool Barrow Liverpool 91   Class 25 Action 84/RE0884
25076 12 May   0800 St. Pancras Walsall Walsall Marylebone 145 D/H 25245: "Ten Counties" RTR Class 25 Action 84
25209 12 May   ? Oldham Llandudno Town Oldham Llandudno Town 190 D/H 25058: ADEX out and back Class 25 Action 84
25245 12 May   0800 St. Pancras Walsall Walsall Marylebone 145 D/H 25076: "Ten Counties" RTR Class 25 Action 84
25072 13 May 1T05 0715 Euston Holyhead Northampton Coventry 30 D/H 25207: Dragging 86218 - power off for engineering work: CHARTER (LNER Soc) train Leighton Logs (p)
25207 13 May 1T05 0715 Euston Holyhead Northampton Coventry 30 D/H 25072: Dragging 86218 - power off for engineering work: CHARTER (LNER Soc) train Leighton Logs (p)
25287 13 May 1A02 0235 Euston Bletchley Euston Bletchley 47   o (Clive Greatorex)
25313 13 May 1F90 0700 Euston Liverpool Northampton Coventry 30 RELIEF train: Dragging 85008 - power off for engineering work o (Clive Greatorex)
25176 14 May 1S37 1240 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   o (Alistair Betts)
                  Date given as May 1984  
25236 14 May 1S90 0605 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   Class 25 Action 84
25236 14 May 1M89 1550 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   Class 25 Action 84
25176 15 May 1M40 1820 Glasgow Central Manchester Vic. Preston Manchester Vic. 31   Class 25 Action 84
25201 15 May 1M30 0740 Norwich Birmingham New St. Leicester Birmingham New St. 40 31424 failed: RE say train ran on 14th? Class 25 Action 84/RE0984
25201 15 May 2E04 1230 Birmingham New St. Peterborough Birmingham New St. Peterborough 92   Class 25 Action 84
25201 15 May 2M05 1720 Peterborough Birmingham New St. Peterborough Birmingham New St. 92   o (Colin Williams)
25236 15 May 1S90 0605 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   Class 25 Action 84
25175 17 May 1M40 1820 Glasgow Central Manchester Vic. Preston Manchester Vic. 31   Class 25 Action 84
25322 17 May   ? Nottingham Crewe Nottingham Derby 16 DMU failure Class 25 Action 84
25044 18 May 1M89 1550 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   Andy McLelland p
25175 18 May 1S45 0750 Manchester Vic. Glasgow Central Manchester Vic. Preston 31   Class 25 Action 84
25175 18 May 1P36 1703 Euston Blackpool North Preston Blackpool North 18   Class 25 Action 84
25300 18 May 1M22 1620 Glasgow Central Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38   o (Alan Evans)
25044 19 May 1S90 0605 Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central 115   Class 25 Action 84
25044 19 May 1M89 1550 Glasgow Central Carlisle Glasgow Central Carlisle 115   Class 25 Action 84
25200 19 May 1E62 0530 Wolverhampton Harwich P.Q. Nuneaton Harwich P.Q. 171 31403 failed o (Colin Williams)
25200 19 May 1H20 1225 Harwich P.Q. Peterborough Harwich P.Q. Peterborough 100   Class 25 Action 84/RE8409
                  RE quote the wrong 31  
25202 19 May 1Z16 0800 Longport Bath Longport Birmingham Int. 54 DMU failure: ADEX: Replacement DMU from Birmingham International Class 25 Action 84
25182 22 May 2C95 1715 Market Harborough Bedford Wellingborough Bedford 15 DMU failure Class 25 Action 84
25300 22 May 2G85 0842 Leicester Birmingham New St. Leicester Birmingham New St. 40 31420 failed and replaced RailGenArchive
25300 22 May 1E72 1020 Birmingham New St. Norwich Birmingham New St. Norwich 174 31268 on return leg RE8409
25037 26 May 2J61 0744 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25315 o (David Williams)
25037 26 May 1A46 1010 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25315 o (David Williams)
25042 26 May   1230 Wolverhampton Folkstone Harbour Wolverhampton Mitre Bridge Jnct. 121 D/H 25224: CHARTER train Class 25 Action 84
25059 26 May 1E24 2250 Shrewsbury York Neville Hill York 23 31159 failed and dragged Class 25 Action 84
25064 26 May 1J20 0735 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25076 o (David Williams)
25064 26 May 2J84 1400 Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25076: Train extended because of late running o (David Williams)
25076 26 May 1J20 0735 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25064 o (David Williams)
                  Photo quotes wrong number Photograph
25076 26 May 2J84 1400 Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25064: Train extended because of late running o (David Williams)
25202 26 May 1J24 1010 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25245 o (David Williams)
25202 26 May 2J87 1705 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25245 o (David Williams)
25224 26 May   1230 Wolverhampton Folkstone Harbour Wolverhampton Mitre Bridge Jnct. 121 D/H 25042: CHARTER train Class 25 Action 84
25245 26 May 1J24 1010 Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton Aberystwyth 111 D/H 25202 o (David Williams)
25245 26 May 2J87 1705 Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury 81 D/H 25202 o (David Williams)
25258 26 May   ? Euston Manchester Picc. ? Rugby   D/H 25288: 86222 damaged by vandals and dragged: Late evening train Derby Sulzers
25288 26 May   ? Euston Manchester Picc. ? Rugby   D/H 25258: 86222 damaged by vandals and dragged: Late evening train Derby Sulzers
25315 26 May 2J61 0744 Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Shrewsbury Aberystwyth 81 D/H 25037 o (David Williams)
25315 26 May 1A46 1010 Aberystwyth Euston Aberystwyth Wolverhampton 111 D/H 25037 o (David Williams)
25059 27 May 1A37 1555 Carlisle Euston Preston Crewe 67 D/H 25258: Train diverted because of engineering work Class 25 Action 84
25059 27 May 1A47 1827 Blackpool North Euston Blackpool North Preston 18   Class 25 Action 84
25154 27 May 1V11 1335 Crewe Cardiff Crewe Cardiff 139   o (Andrew Calder)
25210 27 May 1M19 1410 Glasgow Central Euston Preston Crewe 67 D/H 25322: Dragging 86230 - train diverted because of engineering work o (Steve Kemp)
25258 27 May 1A37 1555 Carlisle Euston Preston Crewe 67 D/H 25059: Train diverted because of engineering work Class 25 Action 84
25322 27 May 1M19 1410 Glasgow Central Euston Preston Crewe 67 D/H 25210: Dragging 86230 - train diverted because of engineering work o (Steve Kemp)
25212 28 May   ? Blackpool North Manchester Vic. Blackpool North Preston 18 Loco replaced at Preston Class 25 Action 84
25060 29 May   2210 Manchester Vic. ? Eccles Manchester Vic. 4 Dragging DMU back to Manchester after vandalism o (Alan Evans)
25059 31 May 2P35 0630 Preston Barrow Preston Barrow 56   Class 25 Action 84
25059 31 May 1F30 0820 Barrow Liverpool Barrow Liverpool 91   Class 25 Action 84
25059 31 May 1M22 1620 Glasgow Central Liverpool Preston Liverpool 38   o (Peter Scott)
25089 31 May 2G47 0809 Coventry Birmingham New St. Coventry Birmingham New St. 19 EMU failure Class 25 Action 84
25178 31 May 1E86 0848 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25237 Class 25 Action 84/RE8410
25178 31 May 1M22 1900 Skegness Leicester Skegness Nottingham 75 D/H 25237: Locos struggled to Nottingham and were replaced by 20047 & 20158 RM8501 (p)/Barry Adams (p)
25224 31 May 2F86 2220 Birmingham New St. Leicester Birmingham New St. Leicester 40   o (Colin Williams)
25237 31 May 1E86 0848 Leicester Skegness Leicester Skegness 102 D/H 25178 Class 25 Action 84/RE8410
25237 31 May 1M22 1900 Skegness Leicester Skegness Nottingham 75 D/H 25178: Locos struggled to Nottingham and were replaced by 20047 & 20158 RM8501 (p)/Barry Adams (p)
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Information provided by class25.info         Page last created  04 March 2025